All of her siblings had a purpose. Destiny was ominous and cryptic, he walked the gardens and tended to the book of what was to come and what may be. Death was cheerful, kind, she acted as a guide for between the world of the living and what was to come afterward. Dream was thin, grumpy, broody, moody, and watched over the Dreams and nightmares. Destruction, the gentle being who saw destruction as a way of making way for new and beautiful creations, before he had quit his job... Desire, the androgenous sibling who toyed with mankind's emotions as often as it toyed with its own gender aspects. Despair, the dark and melancholy, goddess of empty rooms...
and Delight, the aspect of Joy? Even when she was Delight she didn't quite understand it, thought that she must be a mistake. All the others had some dark edge to what they did and Delight, the youngest, the happiest, skipping around and chasing butterflies... Even the knowledge of her wrongness didn't trouble her as i should... not that she didn't think of it, often, long and hard, wondering... As wonder turned into worry and worry turned into neurosis, the chrysalis began...
Del didn't know what was happening to her when she started changing... She fellt as if she was being torn apart into a million billion gillion tiny pieces, one bit at a time. A picinic full of ants taking bites and carrying them down to the queen. The colors around her changed, became more vibrant, the odors and sensations of the world as well. Everywhere she turned she was being bombarded by new thoughts and sensation, each new thing filling in for a bit that had fallen away already... She wandered until her siblings found her and charged Destruction with watching over her...
Wherever she walked, plants bloomed and died in her wake. Mirrors shattered in her presence. Dogs howled and cats hissed. Every friendly face turned suspicious...
So Destruction took her away from mankind, to a remote area where she could rest. There were no cities where they camped, and very few locals. An archaelogical dig or something, and occasionally one of those would wander by, but they never bothered her for long... but Destruction wouldn't let her pretend everything was okay, he made her face the changes, helped her try to understand them... but it wasn't enough, it couldn't turn the days backward, undo the change.
Everyone was baffled, Destiny flummoxed. These changed were not written in the book, and Delirum didn't know how to explain it, that the sibling they had been used to, Delight.. had just been an obstacle to overcome. Like the others, she had a darker purpose... but unlike the others, she needed to understand it before she could do it... and so she began as Delight, joyful and loving and adored... and when that was torn away, as her mind fractured and came together again...
Destiny needed nothing but his garden and his book to do his job... Death did not need to die to undrstand how hard it was for those that she visited. Dream did not need to sleep to enter his realm. Despair did not need to know happiness to know it was missing out... Only Desire was a bit like her in that, were Desire virginal and chaste, it would not adequately be able to understand the nature of passion and lust... Yet, unlike Del, Desire could just go out and have those experiences to know them...
Del, in order to understand Change, in order to become chaos and madness and all the rest... had to BE Changed, had to go through it all...
No, it wasn't something she could explain to them, that who and what she represented was an obstacle to what she was meant to be... She could only continue the process, and hope they would be there with her in the end.