
Aug 04, 2005 13:24

nOT eVery PersOn wHo iS mAd iS uNder mY inFLuENce. NoT eVerYonE wHo hAS a nigHtmARE iS bEinG puNIshed bY dReam. NoT eVerYoNe wHo wAntS fOr SomEtHinG iS bEinG tOyeD wiTh bY DeSirE. NOt EvERYoNe wHO cRiES is BeiNg wATchEd ovEr by DesPaiR. wHat iS wRIttEn iN DesTinYs bOok cAn SomEtimEs bE chAngEd. wHeN dEatH cOmEs, sOmETimEs sHe CAn bE conVIncEd tO ( Read more... )

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Comments 32

some_thing_ August 4 2005, 20:40:47 UTC
My Lady?


mydelerium August 4 2005, 20:52:46 UTC
yEs sOmELinG?


some_thing_ August 4 2005, 21:32:38 UTC
Is everything all right?


mydelerium August 4 2005, 22:09:13 UTC
nodding sOmeOne mAde mE grUmpY


tuxedolover August 4 2005, 21:46:59 UTC
Sister dear, not everyone is as blessed as you claim. I've seen you make people think they had bugs crawling all over their eyeballs for a traffic ticket.


mydelerium August 4 2005, 22:05:52 UTC
giggling soMe ARe cUrsED.


tuxedolover August 4 2005, 22:07:29 UTC
*Laughs* They are now.


mydelerium August 4 2005, 22:09:41 UTC
giggling more wEll.. soMetimEs they deSerVE it... and soMEtimeS itS juST fuNny...


ohhh_will August 4 2005, 22:14:17 UTC
I don't want to be alone.


mydelerium August 4 2005, 22:15:57 UTC
offering a hug yOu sHouLndt bE, nOt yOu. noT evER


ohhh_will August 4 2005, 22:16:46 UTC
But Del, I did something really bad. I killed someone.


mydelerium August 4 2005, 22:20:03 UTC
head tilting, she doesn't seem upset or surprised. wAs hE bAD? which is her gentle way of saying, she's positive that if Will, of all people, killed a man.. it was a man who deserved to die. Of course, she doesn't mind killers and worse, she likes them just as much as anyone else.


pass_the_vodka August 14 2005, 04:18:42 UTC
Reno is tired, and doesn't even think twice about why Delirium's voice is suddenly in his head. He sits further back on his couch, hears her out, and then says as if she's right in the room, "You helped me once. I think. I'm not actually really all that clear 'bout what happened, 'cause I was pretty fucked up at the time, but I'd much rather of had you there than not there. So thanks for that." He's quiet for a minute, running the fingers of his less-battered hand over the fabric of the other's sling. "If you're around, Delirium, I'd like to talk to you. If you've got a minute."


mydelerium August 15 2005, 02:10:54 UTC
There is a tapping at a nearby door, likely a closet... And Delirium is waiting behind with a large basket in her arms. Something along the lines of a fruit basket, but it is full of sweets and candies instead of healthy nonsense. ReNo DeaR oNe...


pass_the_vodka August 15 2005, 02:24:10 UTC
He's sitting with his knee braced leg propped up on his coffee table, entire body battered and bruised and a mess (goddamn AVALANCHE with bullets and swords and fists. goddamn Sector 7 blowing all to hell), and he raises his voice. "C'mon in."


mydelerium August 15 2005, 04:26:13 UTC
Opening the door and bringing the basket over to put it on the floor beside his seat, she is smiling and cheerful. dOeS iT hURt tErriBly mOre thAn iT ShouLD? She digs around in her pockets and comes up with a bottle of painkillers, which are offered


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