Yesterday I did yet another straight mile! No stopping!! =D Skinny legs, here I come!
I'm so impatient though...I want them NOW.
I'm leaving tomorrow evening, going camping.'s going to be dreadful.
Camping for 4 days in the wilderness. Actually, a State Park or whatever, but one with no electricity, no running water, no BATHROOMS...yeah. I'm pretty certain that I'll be wishing I had a penis this weekend. Where the hell am I going to...and...?! Thank GOD I just got off of my period.
But it would be nice to know who's bringing what. Instead, I guess the whole "plan" is...everyone must fend for themselves. WHICH, I personally think is a fat waste of money. Why can't we assign each person something different to bring?? Someone gets the toilet paper, someone the plastic forks, someone else the cooking stuff...OYE.
So! I found myself buying toilet paper and, YES I'll share if everyone else forgot. I'm too nice like that.
I just hope I come back alive.
Hopefully also I can drop a few pounds. I only bought bran flakes, wheat chex, some apples, some fruit 'n gel cups...some VODKA and light JUICE...yeah I'll be set. :)
I'm too O/C to not have all these details sorted out! Ahh...stupid males.