Title: Tears
Fic Challenge: 023. Tears, Yesung/Shiwon (
Author: yeonb1
Word Count: 191
Pairing: Siwon/Yesung
Band: Super Junior
Genre: angst
Rating: G
Summary: Finally he is up there singing his heart out
A/N - Written based on Siwon POV
You see him sing. You look in awed at how his voice manage to capture each and everyone's attention. Finally it is his time to shine. Finally he is up there singing his heart out. After the song ends, you rushed to see him backstage but what you saw was a guy sobbing at the corner of the dressing room.
“Hyung!” You rushed to him. “Hyung, what's wrong?”
He looked into your eyes with tears streaming down his face. “ I did it Siwon, i finally did it. Tonight everything was mine. I wasn't shadowed by 12 other guys. I was standing there singing. At that moment i know this must be it but after it all ends, i felt empty. Why? “
You didn't know how to answer. But at the same time you understood what he meant. It been two years since Super Junior went their separate ways. Not a day went by when you didn't think about any of the members. Granted all of you separated amicably but at the end it just feels empty. Without you realizing, tears were streaming down your face.
“ I miss them too..” You whispered.
Even though we've changed and we're all finding our own place in the world, we all know that when the tears fall or the smile spreads across our face, we'll come to each other because no matter where this crazy world takes us, nothing will ever change so much to the point where we're not all still friends