Here I am, at work, at the scuba shop in Beaumont. It is 10:50am on Saturday, and I am tied as hell. Last night, I got drunk at Jimmy's off of Tom's pina coladas... hehe
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Meh, trying to figure out our apartment crap. If all goes well, Laura and I will be OUT of these damed dorms and into some apartments close to campus. They are really nice... I really really NEED to live in my OWN room. I love my roommate to death (and I am SURE she feels the same way about this ~~>) but I need some space. I love the fact that
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Sometimes, I get strange e-mails, and I know they are junk and contain strange viruses and whatnot, but sometimes, they says things in a font color that matches the background of the e-mail. If you highlight ot, you can see it
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