And I just started to really badly ship Gwaine/Elyan...
sophielou21,the Brokeback Knights are no more... at least the original Brokeback Knights... substitute Brokeback knights...
Let's refer back to a post I did ages ago:
Aren't they fabulous?
Comments 29
BTW: I'm totally failing at this whole avoid spoiler thing! How do you do it? I fail at it!
Also I put a prompt suggestion over at my new fan-work community. Feel free to spam it like I did to yours last year! hehehe!
Ha, that reminds me of my ancient drabble that I think's hiding somewhere in your journal about how awed Elyan is that the evilninjaimmortals start loving Gwaine 'cause of his hair. Ahhh, crack.
I dunno why it only occured to me TODAY. I demand fic. Please? *batterseyelashes*
For you, I will try. Maybe tonight. I'm hopefully gonna finish this SPN fic and get it up and if the fic gods are being nice I'll work on that. 'Cause face it. They are awesome...
It doesn't have to be long... it just has to exist *beams*
That and I have to go soon anyway. I'm finally going into the child care centre today and the director was really nice when I just rang her. Very supportive and that. Also I manged to drive yesterday too for like 40 minutes with my mumsie in the car! I didn't feel anxious at all.
LOL just a little update for you Jen! I'm just feeling a lot more prouder of myself atm that I'm trying to deal with the many anxieties in my life! So thanks for the suggestion many months ago. Proves that Jens are awesome and should be listened too=}
Ciao! Hopefully we will talk soon before you go to Canada!
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