The CDs finally came in today. So, if anyone wants to purchase one tomorrow let me know, and I'll bring some to school with me. They are 10 bucks, and they look and sound amazing.
Beep Beep kicked some ass last night. All of you who did not go which is everyone except for clint, nick, and jeremy missed out on some great music. The opening bands were great too, especially The All Night Push. So who is going to the motion city soundtrack show?
Thanks to everyone who came out to the show last night. You made it so much fun. Hope you enjoyed yourselves as well. For those who missed the good times, we've got another show next friday at wayne state university and also on April 1st w/ the vanilla curve at the roseville theater. So mark your calenders.
Nevermind what i said about the CD's, for some reason they like lied and now if we get them air-mailed, they'll be here friday afternoon before the show. Sweet.
For any of those who plan on going or want to go to our show at the Roseville Theater on Friday, are time has been switched from 11 to 7. That'll make things a little more convenient. If you need to get a ticket, see me or matt at school or tell me on here or whatever. We'll try to get you one.