I'm still learning this so we'll see if it actually works like I think it will.
Anyway. First, Happy Veteran's Day! Thank you to all who have served and defended our freedom! You have my eternal respect and gratitude.
Next up for me will be a RIF book giveaway. Friends and I will be reading stories to LOTS of kids and giving them each a book. That'll take up most of next week. I love doing it though.
Then the following week, it's Thanksgiving food baskets. Our Kiwanis Club is hoping to give away 100 baskets!?! That'll be a busy day!
Then cooking for Thanksgiving itself. It'll be at my house this year. It's potluck. So I won't be cooking everything for 10.
And then, we're going to be wrapping presents! Yay for Christmas!
And those are just the highlights! .