(no subject)

May 16, 2007 09:34

Ed and Hank, 6th update

Wherever yer goin' 'm goin' yer way...

Ed and Hank will probably be back towards the end of summer… if Ed does anything. (Beyond the usual, that is.) And Hank might be able to send brief updates and/or postcards every now and again since Iris gave them her old laptop.

*A whole lotta thanks to everyone who has been reading and commenting! (Or just reading.) Hank and I have appreciated it more than we can say. Ed pretends he doesn't care, but he does.

Disclaimer: As always, Jack and Ennis belong to Annie Proulx. And Ed and Hank belong only to each other. 'Moon River' was composed by Johnny Mercer and Henry Mancini. OFI: Yes. $$: Ed and Hank are taking it all with them... unfortunately it ain't much.
Comments: Always appreciated.

Everthing else is here:

"Moon river, wider than a mile
’M crossin' you in style some day
Oh, dream maker, you heart breaker
Wherever yer goin'... 'm goin' yer way...

Two drifters, off ta see the world
There’s such a lot a world ta see
We’re after the same rainbow’s end,
Waitin’ ’round the bend
My huckleberry friend,
Moon river, and me"

"Hey… Tha’ sign says the road is closed…
Ain’t ya gonna turn ‘round, Hank?”

“Don’ worry ‘bout it, Ed. Don’ think they really mean it.”

“Why wouldn’ they mean it?”

“Don’ look like a real serious ‘Road Closed’ sign ta me.”

“’N jus' what would a serious ‘Road Closed’ sign look like?”

“Prob’bly have some flashin’ lights. Or be more of a barricade.
That one looks more like they ain’t too emphatic about it.”

"How 'bout tha'?
Tha' look a l'il more serious to ya?"

"Guess they had a l'il floodin'."

"Ya figure it'd jus' take a l'il floodin' ta uproot tha' sign'?"

“Guess it were more 'n just a l'il floodin'...
But the road don' really seem ta be closed.
Jus' looks more like part of it’s missin'.”

"Part? More like half.
Maybe we should turn around, Hank.”

“Nah. Half a road is still plenty a road.”

“’N what if’n the whole thing’s gone up ahead?”

“Guess we’ll just have ta hope that it ain’t
‘n turn ‘round if’n it is."

"Lose a lotta time tha' way."

"Ya in a rush ta get somewheres, Ed?"

"I dunno... Maybe. Where're we goin'?"

"Here 'n there."

"Not real keen on stayin' here. But I'd kinda like ta be gettin' there."

"Well yer in luck then 'cause tha's where we're goin'.
'N look, Ed... We already got some a our side a the road back.”

"Don' look like fer long."

"Only need it fer jus' long enough."

"So... ya gonna believe tha' sign?"



"Ya never know with them folks...
They could be tellin' us the truth... or not."

"Think maybe I should drive fer a while Hank.
Yer soundin' a l'il crazy.
Think maybe the heat's gettin' ta ya."

"It ain't tha' hot. 'N I ain't tha' crazy. 'N 'm drivin' jus' fine..."

"Lookout fer tha' car comin' at us."

"I see it. I see it.
 Hey... guess they weren't lyin' this time... Tha's definitely a bump.
Good news though, Ed..."


"Tha' car comin' at us... prob'bly means the road's open all the way through."

"Maybe. Maybe not.
Fella drivin' it migh' jus' be as crazy as you are."

"Hard ta believe tha' l'il stream did all tha'."

"Tha's practic'lly a river in these here parts.
'N I don' think it were tha' l'il at the time."

"Musta been some storm."

"Why'd ya wanna come this way anyways, Hank?"

"S'posed ta be some rock art 'round here tha' we ain't seen before.
Say folks lived in this area fer over 5,000 years."

"5,000 years, huh? 'N tha's the best they could do?"

"Never pegged ya fer a rock art snob, Ed."


"Well... gotta admit... you were righ' Hank.
Road were open all the way through.
Not a whole helluva lot down it... but it were open..."

"Told ya they weren't real serious 'bout tha' sign.
Hey... How 'bout we go check out tha' ol train station?

"Looks kinda outta place.
Like ya could put the rest a the town inside 'n still have room fer more."

"Sure does. Real purty buildin' though.
This town musta been doin' a whole lot better once upon a time ago."

"So this is 'there' then, huh?"

"Nah. Ain't quite there yet."

"Well... tha's kinda a relief."

"Whadya mean?"

"Ya seen all tha' equipment?"


"'N them signs?"

"I didn' read them signs."

"Ya migh' wanna..."



“First the bubonic plague, now radiation...
Ya always take me ta the best places, Hank.”

"Looks like they'll be able ta tell us next week if'n there's anything ta be worried 'bout."

"Tha's real comfortin'. S'pose they'll be mailin' us the results or callin' us?"

"Wouldn' hold yer breath either way."

"Kinda doubt holdin' our breath would help anyways.
Hey, Hank... Seein' as we're already poss'bly irradiated...
ya wanna get a burger?"

"Looks like they're closed Ed. Permanent-like."
'Sides we don' got no money ta be spendin' on eatin' out too often.
Should prob'bly jus' make us some sandwiches.
Got plenty a stuff in the cooler."

"I guess... Hey, Hank... You seen anyone in this town?"


"Me neither. Kinda creepy.

"Maybe it's 'bout time we get outta here
'n start headin' ta wherever tha' 'there' ya were talkin' 'bout migh' be."

"Yeah... migh' as well get goin'..."

"Wha's wrong, Hank?"

“Guess this trip ain’t startin’ out too good...
Washed out roads 'n bad rock art 'n radiation 'n not one interestin' shaped rock...
Ain't 'xactly wha' I had in mind..."

"Ya think tha' stuff matters ta me? I don' much care, Hank..."

"Been bitchin' 'nough fer a fella who says he don' care."

"Damn righ'...
Ya know tha's half the fun fer me.
Maybe more 'n half. More like two thirds. Or even three quarters...
Okay... maybe jus' half. Other half is bein' with you. Maybe more 'n half.
More like two thirds. Or three quarters...
Maybe even seven eighths."

"Love ya, dumbass."

"Love you too, dumbass.
Now... where ya draggin' ma sorry ass next?
Think the biggest open pit mine in the world ain't too far away.
Or maybe Death Valley... should be real nice there this time a year....
Prob'bly no more 'n a hundred 'n ten degrees in..."

"I know, I know... In the shade. 'N there ain't no shade."


"Okay... giant open pit mine it is..."

"So's what're ya waitin' fer..?
Let's hit the road Jack..."

"Whatever ya say, Cowboy."


The End?


Just another beginning...


"Uh... Hank?"

"Yeah, Ed?"

"We ain't really goin' ta tha' open pit mine... Are we?"



"Ya wanna put a cd in?"



"Purty song."


"Glad Iris sends us all them cds."

"Me too."

"Hey, Ed?"

"Yeah, Hank?"

"Now d'ya want me ta tell ya where we're really goin'?"

"Nah... Think maybe I'd rather be s'prised."

"Thought ya didn' like s'prises?
Guess it ain't always true wha' they say 'bout old dogs 'n new tricks."

"I ain't old, Hank."

"I know ya ain't old, Ed."

"I'm really gonna miss them dogs though."

"Me too."

"D'ya think they're gonna be happier stayin' home?"

"Yeah. Bill will take real good care a 'em.
'N they ain't like Stella were.
Drivin' 'round makes 'em awful nervous."

"Prob'bly on account a bein' dumped like they was."


"Think they'd know by now we wouldn' do tha' to 'em."

"Hard thing ta get over.
Jus' gotta give 'em some more time."

"Yeah. Still miss 'em."

"Me too... Hey, Ed?"

"Yeah, Hank?"

"Them Dixie Chicks migh' wanna sleep on the hard ground
but I sure don' wanna...
Didya pack tha' new campin' pad we bought?"

"Yep. So's we can get a good night's sleep.
'N then tomorrow maybe none a the roads'll be washed out
'n we'll find some real nice rock art 'n we won' be irradiated at all
'n maybe we'll even run 'cross a whole buncha interestin' shaped rocks."

"Thanks, Ed.
Ya know I been thinkin' maybe I should consider broadenin' ma hobby some...
After all, a lot more 'n rocks can be interestin'..."

"Why ya grinnin' like tha'?"

"No reason..."

"Don' think I believe ya."

"Ya sure ya packed tha' new campin' pad?"

"Yep. First thing."


"Sounds like ya got somethin' in mind."

"Maybe. Jus' kinda a inauguration ceremony a sorts fer it."

"Inauguration ceremony, huh?"

"Yep. Gonna inaugurate the hell outta it."

"Ya are, uh?"

"Nope. We are.
'N it's kinda a formal thing...
So's ya better wear yer birthday suit."

"Lucky fer me I don' go nowheres withou' it."

"Lucky fer me too."


Ya know damn well
this ain't really the end neither.


Bad epitaph writin' is contagious.
I caught it from Hank
So's (just in case) here's mine:

This here's the epitaph fer MyEyesAintBlue
The one who insisted their story were true
But Ed 'n Hank swear
It were all pulled from thin air
'N I wouldn' not believe 'em, would you?


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