Road trippin' with Ed and Hank (2)
Greetin's from...
A room with a view
Note: Bad weather + internet access = an update much sooner, and somewhat longer, than expected. This sort of ended up being the second part to Road Trippin' with Ed and Hank part 1. (Who woulda thought it?)
Disclaimer: Hank told their story to Annie Proulx. Jack and Ennis are all hers. Ed and Hank belong only to each other. Rating: PG-I (for Insinuendo) $$: Nope.
Comments: Always appreciated.
If you haven't read part one you might want to read it first. It's here: Everything else is here: Greetin's from...
A room with a view...
"Cain't believe we come 'cross 'nother one.
Ain't no one gonna believe it were no coincidence."
"Ya don' gotta write 'bout it, Hank."
"Jus' lookit it...
How can I not write 'bout it?"
"Well... this here gover'ment-built one
ain't near as nice as
tha' other one."
"Nope... but it's got a space heater.
Tha' other one didn' have no space heater."
"Lotta space out here ta heat...
Hardly think it could do the job."
"I dunno... it's purty interestin' lookin...
Seems ta me like it could do the job..."
"There ya go with tha' one track mind a yers."
"Don' know wha' yer talkin' 'bout, Ed."
"Yeah... I jus' bet you don'."
"Guess it don' rain much here
so's tha's why they musta took down the walls.
'N tha' way when nature calls ya got a real good view a it."
"No arguin' with tha'."
"But leave it ta our gover'ment ta pick a spot like this fer takin' a shit."
"Don' start Hank... Too nice a day "
"Okay... okay... So...
There's a mighty interestin' rock or two up there...
Ya wanna see wha' else interestin' migh' be up this here canyon?"
"Can tell ya 'xactly wha's up tha' canyon... more canyon.
'N prob'bly some more canyon after tha'.
Ain't goin' fer no hike, Hank..."
"Don' have no hikin' in mind.
Jus' thought we'd meander 'round a bit...
saunter up this here dry streambed fer a l'il while."
"Guess we could stretch our legs a l'il...
Don' wanna go too far though..."
"Yeah... ya say tha' now...
but it's hard ta get ya headed back
'cause ya always wanna see wha's 'round the next bend."
"I promise...
We'll head back whenever ya say."
"Okay then.
Wait a second though..."
"Why'd ya put the lid down, Ed?
Not like anyone's used it fer a long, long time."
"Jus' bein' polite...
Never know who migh' come by."
"Mighty considerate a ya...
but this here's all hidden from the road.
Jus' pulled over 'cause this canyon looked kinda interestin'.
Ain't no one else likely ta come by 'cause it ain't no regular trail...
Hmmm... So's maybe..."
"So's maybe wha'?"
"So's maybe we can see if'n somethin' interestin' migh' come up...
ya know... 'round the next bend or two...
if'n we find a nice, suitable spot.
Somewheres comfortable..."
"Ya serious?"
"Maybe. C'mon Hank..."
"Uh... Ed?"
"Yeah, Hank?"
"Ya do realize yer holdin' my hand, dontcha?
Ya ain't never done tha' before."
"Ain't holdin' yer hand."
"Watcha doin' then?"
"Jus' makin' sure ya don' wander off 'n get all lost or somethin'."
"Tha' so?"
"Love ya, dumbass."
"Love you too, dumbass."
"There's an idea...
Wonder if'n any trucks come with sunroofs?
Get awful tired a them bug guts on the windshield in all my pictures."
"Prob'bly jus' end up with them bug guts in yer teeth.
Or in yer hair. Or up yer nose."
"Well... Tha' woman sure looks like she's havin' a awful good time,
bug guts or no..."
"Hey... thought you said there weren't no one else 'round..."
"Didn' say there weren't no one else drivin' down this here road...
Jus' said there weren't no one else in tha' canyon.
'N there weren't, were there?"
"Hell... Once we found tha' nice, comfortable, secluded-like spot
One a them marchin' bands coulda gone righ' by
'n I wouldna noticed a thing."
"Not even the tubas?"
"Nope. Not even the tubas."
A few days later...
at a little cafe with wireless internet ...
"Shit. Still rainin' like crazy out there.
Did a couple a loads a laundry, got some groceries 'n called Bill...
Dogs are fine. Horses are fine. Ranch is fine.
'N he says his nephews are doin' okay."
"They got names ya know..."
"Still waitin' ta see if'n they deserve bein' addressed by 'em."
"They still grumblin' on accounta we don' have no ATVs?"
"Nah. Bill said they purty much stopped tha' after they spent a few days on horseback.
Guess they still grumble some 'bout havin' ta take care a them horses...
but Bill said they're startin' ta get real attached ta 'em
so's tha' should stop soon too."
"Hate them damn ATVs."
"Me too, Ed."
"Jus' tear up everythin'...
Always ridin' where they ain't s'posed ta...
Give me a good ol' horse anyday."
"Know all tha'... Agreein' with ya here, dumbass."
"Ya almos' done writin'?
Ya ain't wore yer self out too much sittin' here
while I done all the work, have ya?"
"Nah. Shoulder aches a l'il maybe.
Almos' done, though. Thought I migh' add a song ta it...
Usually do tha' last... if'n 'm gonna use one." "On a
clear day,
rise and look around you,
and you'll see who you are.
On a clear day, how it will astound you
That the glow of your feelings outshines every star.
You will follow every mountain, sea and shore,
You will see from far and near a world you've never seen before.
On a clear day, on a clear day, you can see forever, and ever, and ever more."
"Tha' ain't the view from tha' ol' pit toilet, Hank."
"Know tha'. But s' only 'bout fifteen miles away.
'Round these parts tha's righ' next door."
"Wouldn' call tha' seein' fer 'ferever' neither.
Prob'bly ain't no more 'n twenty miles.
'Course tha's as the crow flies.
Be a lot longer goin' by road.
If'n a road goes tha' way.
'N tha' mountain there
kinda blocks
the view."
"Ya think tha' mountain blocks the view, huh?"
"Blocks the view a ferever anyways."
"Don' block my view..."
"How ya figure tha'? Big ol' mountain sittin' plumb in the way..."
"Ain't got nothin' ta do with the scenery or the weather....
If'n I wanna see clear ta ferever alls I gotta do is look at you, Ed."
"Guess 'm so old it looks like I been 'round tha' long."
"Didn' mean it tha' way, Ed."
"Know ya didn'...
...Why don' we get outta here, Hank?"
"Still pourin' outside.
Where ya in such a big hurry ta get to?"
"Thought we could go back ta camp...
crawl inta the back a the truck...
listen ta the rain fallin'..."
"'N enjoy the view..."
The next day...
"Hey Ed, ya mind if'n we stop 'n use the internet again since it's still rainin'?
Tha' place serves pancakes..."
"Don' have ta twist m' arm."
"Jus' wanna finish tha' 'n post it online 'fore we go."
"Good pancakes."
"See tha' ya used tha' picture...
the one a tha' heart made outta rocks...
Ya ain't gonna make out like ya made tha' heart yer self, are ya Hank?"
"Jus' weren't gonna mention it one way or the other...
Figured there weren't no harm in borrowin' it fer just a l'il while.
'Sides... mos' folks prob'bly know 'm too lazy ta make somethin' like tha'."
"So's didya tell 'em who's hat is who's?"
"Nah. Seems pretty clear ta me.
Though it'd be even easier if'n it were our regular cowboy hats."
"So... ya ready ta hit the road again?"
"Yep. Let's go 'n see wha' else is out there."
"Must be somethin' 'sides pit toilets somewheres..."
"Ya'd think..."