(no subject)

Jul 23, 2007 14:12

Road trippin' with Ed and Hank (8)

Fast or slow...

Disclaimer: Hank told their story to Annie Proulx. Jack and Ennis are all hers. Ed and Hank belong only to each other. Rating: PG-I  $$: Hank says he'll sing for gas money. (Ed says don' encourage him... Hank couldn' carry a tune in a five-gallon bucket.) Comments: Always appreciated.

Everything else is here: http://myeyesaintblue.livejournal.com/10082.html

Fast or slow...

"'Xactly how slow are ya goin', Ed?"

"Ain't goin' tha' slow.
Tha' woman were drivin' like a bat outta hell."

"Bat outta hell? Sure ya don' mean like a Bug outta hell?"

"Get tha' damn camera outta my face. 'M tryin' ta drive here."

"Ain't tryin' real hard."

"Saves on gas if'n ya don' go so fast.
'N we cain't afford no ticket."

"Police migh' pull ya over 'n give ya a ticket fer drivin' too slow."

"Ya in a hurry ta get somewheres, dumbass?"

Won' know 'til we get there
'n at this rate it looks like tha' ain't never gonna happen."

"This here truck feels like it's gettin' a lot smaller ta me."

"Prob'bly be closed by the time we get there."

"What'll be closed?"

"Whatever it is 'm in such a hurry ta get ta."

"Yep. A whole lot smaller. Truck's closin' in on me but good."

"Or it'll be dark by the time we get there
so's I won' have no way a knowin' where we are
or if'n I even wanna be there at all."

"So... 'xactly how long do ya figure it'd take ya ta walk there?"

"Prob'bly get there 'bout ten minutes 'fore you do."

"'N 'bout how long ya figure it'd take us ta get back home
if'n I turned this here truck 'round?"

"Ya'd have ta stop sooner or later 'n then I'd jus' turn it back 'round again."

"Shit... Think 'm gettin' a big ol' headache...
Migh' hafta slow down a l'il more."

"Maybe I jus' better put a cd in 'n we can listen ta music fer a while."

"Tha's prob'bly a righ' good idea."



"Wha' the hell's takin' ya so long?"

"Jus' tryin' ta find the righ' one... Don' know if'n we got it along...
Prob'bly don't... Ain't no reason we would...
Iris found it used 'n sent it ta us...
One a them 'best of' cds...
Wait a second...
Here it is..."

"So's jus' put the damn thing in..."

"Want a certain song...
checkin' wha' number it is..."

"Jus' put the damn thing in...
Whatever song ya wanna hear'll play sooner or later."

"'S number twelve...
Lemme get it goin'... There..."


"As the midnight moon, was driftin' through
The lazy sway of the trees,
I saw the look in yer eyes, lookin' inta the night
Not seein' what they wanted to see
Darlin' don' say a word, I've already heard,
What yer body's sayin' ta mine,
You got a fast move, you got a slow groove, on your mind.
You want a man with a slow hand, you want a lover with a easy touch
You want somebody who will spend some time
Not come and go in a heated russhh
Baby, believe me, I understand, when it comes ta love
You want a slow hand"

"Think tha's real funny, dontcha?"

"Don' got no idea wha' yer talkin' 'bout, Ed."

"How the hell do ya even know all the words ta tha' dumbass song?"

"Ev'rybody old 'nough knows the words ta tha' dumbass song...
Whether they wanna or not..."

"Well, I don'."

"Yeah ya do. Ya jus' won' admit it...
...Moon shadowed ground, with no one around
'n the blanket of stars in our eyes
Hey we’re driftin' free, like two lost leaves
On the crazy wind of the night
Darlin', don' say a word I already heard
What yer body's sayin' ta mine
If you want all night, you know it's all right, yeah, I got time.
You want a man with a slow hand, you want a lover with a easy touch."

"Keep them hands ta yer self, Hank...
yer gonna make me drive inta a tree or somethin'."

"You want somebody who will spend some time
Not come and go in a heated russhh
Baby, believe me, I understand, when it comes ta love
You want a slow hand
You want a lover with a easy touch
You want somebody who will spend some time with you baby
Not come and go in a heated russhh
Baby, believe me I understand, when it comes to love
you want a slo-o-ow hand..."

"You 'bout finished?"

"Nope. Jus' gettin' started.
Think maybe I'll play tha' song again."


"Y'okay over there, Ed?
Ya seem a l'il fidgety or somethin'."

"'M fine."

"Whoa... Think ya mighta sped up some, Ed."
Ya in a hurry ta get somewheres?"


Later that day..


"Love is a burning thing
and it makes a firery ring

bound by wild desire
I fell in to a ring of fire...

I fell in to a burning ring of fire...
I went down, down, down...
and the flames went higher

and it burns, burns, burns...

the ring of fire
the ring of fire

da  da  da  da  da  da  da...

da  da  da  da  da  da  da....

da  da  da  da  da  da  da...

da  da  da  da  da  da  da...

I fell in to a burning ring a fire

I went down, down,  down

and the flames
went  higher


it  burns,

burns,  burns

the ring of fire, the ring of fire

And  it  burns,

burns,  burns,

the ring of fire

the ring of fire

the ring of fire

the ring
of fire


"Hank... Damn..."

"You can say tha' again..."


"Guess tha' heated rush can be real good too..."


"Sometimes tha' slow hand jus' won' do..."


"Y'okay, Ed?"


"You don' hafta keep repeatin' 'damn'..."


"C'mere, dumbass..."





"Ya know somethin', Hank...?"


"Only time I really miss smokin' is right after..."

"Know watcha mean...
Sure could go fer a cigarette righ' 'bout now."

"Real glad we quit though."

"Me too."


A couple of days later...

"Called home. Bill 'n Betty say 'Hey'. Everythin's okay. Dogs are okay.
Sure do miss them dogs. 'N I got some groceries.
Ya almos' done usin' tha' computer?"

"Got anythin' else ya can do?
'S gonna take me a l'il while longer ta finish up
'n post it online..."

"Shit. C'mon, Hank...
Thought ya jus' did tha' a couple a days ago?"

"I did. But don' know when I'll get online again after this.
Migh' be a l'il while."

"Ya always say tha' 'n then ya always manage ta get online somewheres."

"Thought ya'd be glad ta be rid a me 'n be on yer own fer a while."

"Ain't much else open this late in this here town. Guess I'll find somethin'...
Lemme see wha' yer doin' 'fore I go..."

"Help yer self."

"Ya absolutely sure Iris ain't readin' no more?"

"Ya ask me tha' ev'ry time I've posted since she left...
'N I tell ya ev'ry time... Iris. Ain't. Readin'. It. No. More. Promised she wouldn'.
Ya trust yer own daughter, dontcha?"

"Guess so."

"Well, she'll be happy ta read tha'."

"Dammit, Hank..."

"Ya know 'm jus' kiddin', Ed. Iris ain't readin' it no more."

"Good. Now lessee wha' yer up ta here...
Shit... So's tha's why ya were takin' them pictures
a tha' earthquake sign 'n tha model a tha' there volcano."

"Yep. Made me think a you."

"Made the earth move fer ya, did I?"

"Yep. Real strong lateral blast it was. How 'bout you...?
Wouldn' wanna mislead the folks readin'...
Earth move fer you too?"

"Think I mighta felt somethin'."

"Ya mighta, huh?"

"Yeah. I'd say it were 'bout a 9.9 on tha' there Richter scale."

"Not a ten, huh?"

"Nope. Not a ten.
...'Course ain't no one ever recorded no ten 'fore..."

"Guess tha' gives me somethin' ta aim fer."

"Lookin' forward ta yer next attempt.
...Hey... Ya ain't gonna pretend like ya took
tha' one picture a tha' St. Helens Mountain eruptin', are ya?"

"Think folks'll know tha' I didn' take tha' one withou' me havin' ta tell 'em."

"Sure was amazin'...
Seein' tha' volcano smokin' like tha'."

"Yep. Tha' was somethin'...
'N after all them years hardly nothin' growin' yet but flowers."

"Lots a flowers.
'N seein' all them downed trees...
Tha' sign said the blast were near 700 miles per hour
when tha' mountain blew its top."

"Think I know how them trees musta felt...
Tha's how fast ya come at me when we finally found a campsite
tha' nigh' 'fore we got there."

"Seem ta recall it were you comin' at me."

"Let's jus' say there were two bodies in motion.
Or more like two bodies collidin'..."

"Not tha' it ain't real fittin'...
but didn' ya use tha' 'Ring a Fire' song 'fore?"


"Start repeatin' yer self 'n folks migh' stop readin'."

"'M hopin' folks won' mind. It were a long time ago."

"Guess they'll understand tha's bound ta happen when ya get older...
Repeatin' yer self 'n all..."

"Older, huh?
Wha' happened ta 'jus' seein' tha' boy ya fell heels over head fer'?
Guess ya didn' mean tha' after all."

"Meant it all righ'.
Tha's alls I ever see when I look atcha.
...'Course tha' don' mean yer mind ain't slowin' down some."

"My mind is jus' fine, dumbass."

"...'Course parts a me are slowin' down some too..."

"Ya don' say?"

"Yep. Mainly m' hand. Think I got me one a them slow hands.
Could be both of 'em even. Tongue too poss'bly."


"'Well... Guess I oughta be goin'...
Leave ya alone ta do yer computerin' 'n whatnot..."


"Thought ya were gonna post or whatever ya call it."


"Don' wanna rush ya none. Ya know s'alrigh.
We got all nigh'. We got time."


"Don' got no idea wha' yer talkin' 'bout, Hank."


"Okay, okay...If'n yer sure...
Guess we could go 'n see if'n we can move some a tha' there earth again.
Real slow-like this time."


"More like them volcanoes in Hawaii, maybe.
Saw a show on TV once... Few years back... Real interestin' it were...
Comparin' them kinda volcanoes with..."


"Ya don' wanna talk 'bout them Hawaiian volcanoes?
Thought you'd be goin' on 'bout how much ya wanna see 'em 'n all."


A few minutes later...

"Told ya I shoulda driven."

"Got off with justa warnin' least-wise."

"Only 'cause tha' cop thought you were good-lookin'."

"Nah. Think she thought you were the cute one."

"Don' think so. Way she were flirtin' with ya...
'N you were flirtin' with her..."

"Still think it were you."

"Okay... Let's jus' say we're both cute as hell.
Now slow down dumbass, 'fore ya get pulled over again."

And later that night...







"Damn... Hank... Damn..."

""Tha' were definitely somethin'..."

"Think I passed out fer a minute there."

"Know I did."

"...Jeez... 'S real late...
Ya wan' me ta put on some clothes
'n ask them folks ta turn down their music?
They keep playin' tha' same song over 'n over again."

"Nah... Ain't all tha' loud. 'N I sure enjoyed it durin'...
Think I can sleep through it now.
Think you can, Ed?

"Think I could sleep through jus' 'bout anythin' righ' now.
'Sides... I liked it durin' too."

"Guess they must be in love."

"Like us."

"Yeah. Like us."


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