Ed and Hank - Lovefest
Sweet, sweet music...
Summary: It's getting late and it's time for bed. (~ 750 words).
Rating: *
Everything else is here:
http://myeyesaintblue.livejournal.com/10082.html Sweet, sweet music...
“Ya ready fer lights out, Hank…?”
“Sure… But I meant ta ask ya…”
“Ask me wha’…?”
“Bill was ribbin’ me ‘bout hows he could hear me snorin’ all the way from the kitchen this mornin’ when he stopped in fer a cup a coffee before startin’ work… Said he thought we musta been remodelin’ ‘n moved a big ol’ buzz saw inta the house… ‘N ‘m wonderin’ if’n maybe I shouldn' try 'n do somethin’ ‘bout it…?"
“Hardly seems like a firin’ offense… Maybe you ‘n Bill could jus’ fight it out behind the barn or somethin’… restore yer sullied honor tha' way…”
“Ya know damn well I meant do somethin’ ‘bout my snorin’, dumbass…"
"Guess you could try 'n get up 'fore Bill gets here so's ya don't bother him none..."
"C'mon, Ed... Be serious fer a minute... Am I as bad as Bill says…?”
“Guess ya snore some...”
“Real loud?”
“Usually ain’t tha’ bad. Don’ think ya need ta do nothin’ ‘bout it anyways.”
“Hate ta think I been keepin’ ya up fer years ‘n ya ain’t never said nothin’ ‘bout it… Tha'd be jus' like you...”
“Don’ bother me none.”
“Ya hear so’s much ‘bout tha’ sleep apnea… Maybe I got tha’…?”
“Don’ think ya got nothin’ like tha’…”
“Maybe I better try ‘n do somethin’ ‘bout it anyways… Try some a them nose strips ta start least-wise…”
“Hank… truth is… I… uh… I ain’t never said nothin’ 'bout it ‘cause… ‘cause I kinda like yer snorin’...”
“Why the hell wouldya like my snorin’…?”
“I dunno… ‘s jus’ tha’… sometimes it does wake me up in the middle a the nigh’... but alls I gotta do is nudge ya a l’il ‘n ya turn so’s yer on yer side... ‘n then sometimes I fall righ’ back ta sleep ‘n sometimes I don’t... so's sometimes I just lie awake holdin' ya… feelin' yer heart beatin’ ‘neath m’ hand… ‘n listenin' to ya breathin’... or listenin' to ya snorin'... if'n ya start up again... ‘n I… I think ‘bout how damn lucky I am… lucky ta be lyin’ in this here bed with ya… lyin’ in our bed… ‘n I think ‘bout all them years we got ta spend ta gether… ‘n all the years I hope we still got in fron’ a us…”
“Jeez, Ed…”
“‘N then sometimes… sometimes I cain’t help movin' m’ hand over ya… ‘n sometimes ya don’ wake up… but sometimes ya do… ‘n then ya migh' let out one a them moans a yers… ‘n maybe turn back towards me some… or maybe reach back fer me… ‘n if’n ya do… if’n ya do then ‘m done fer… ‘n then… well… you sure as hell know what happens then…”
“Think I migh’ got some idea…”
“Ya think so, huh…?”
“Yep… S’ kinda like wha’s ‘bout ta happen righ’ now… C’mere, Ed…”
"Wha'...? Withou' no music...? That ain't like ya, Hank..."
"Ya wan' music...? I'll get ya music... Hold on a second... One song does come ta mind... Think Iris mighta sent us a 'best of' cd years ago... Here it is..."
"Said I kinda like yer snorin'... But I wouldn' 'xactly call it a 'symphony', dumbass..."
"Yeah... But all tha' stuff ya said a minute a go... tha' was music ta my ears, Ed... Now... How 'bout we see if'n we can make 'a thousand violins fill the air'... Hell... maybe even a thousand 'n one..."
"Ta tell ya the truth... I prefer fiddles..."
"I'll be more than happy ta let ya fiddle 'round with any instrument you got in mind..."
"In tha' case... why dontcha bring tha' piccolo a yers back over here...?"
"You mus' be mistakin' me fer someone else... Don' like ta blow m' own horn... purty much a physical impossibility anyways... but I got m'self a big ol' trombone 'n a couple a good-sized maracas..."
"Well... if'n you can manage 'n all... why dontcha drag all that over here 'n we'll see jus' wha' kind a music we can make with it..."
"How 'bout we go with a rhapsody...?"
"A rhapsody...? Wha' the hell's a rhapsody...?"
"Damned if I know... I thought you migh'... 'S in this song... somethin' 'bout a 'rhapsody of love'... So's... how 'bout we jus' make it up as we go along...? Rhapsodize the hell outta each other... so ta speak..."
"Now that sounds like my kinda music... C'mere, Hank..."