Ed and Hank
Well... This was real bad... But Hank is okay...
Disclaimer: Hank told their story to Annie Proulx. Jack and Ennis are all hers. Ed and Hank belong only to each other. Rating: G $$: Nope.
Links to all previous posts are here:
http://myeyesaintblue.livejournal.com/10082.html "Dammit, Hank... Wha' the hell took ya so damn long... Ya coulda least-wise called 'n... Wha' the hell...?!? Damn, Hank...!!!"
"I'm okay, Ed."
"Wha' the hell happened...?!? Are ya sure yer okay...?!? D'ya need a doctor...?"
"I'm okay... I don't need a doctor..."
"Jesus... Here... Sit down... Lemme get a wet cloth... Who the hell did this to ya...?"
"I dunno... I didn' know 'em..."
"Where...? I mean why'd...?"
"Jus' give me a minute, Ed..."
"Okay, okay..."
"Not so's hard, Ed..."
"Sorry, Hank.... I'm tryin' not ta hurt ya..."
"I know..."
"Here... Lemme get tha' shirt off a ya... No... don't bother tryin' ta move yer arms... I'll jus' cut if off... 'S a goner anyways... Damn..."
"Too bad... I liked tha' shirt..."
"I'll go get ya a clean t-shirt... 'n some a that anti-bacteria stuff... 'N I think we got some a tha' cut bondin' stuff from the vet left... it'll close them deeper cuts fer ya... 'N if'n any are too deep fer tha' we got some a them butterfly bandage things... I'll be righ' back..."
"Thanks, Ed."
A while later...
"Well... tha' does it fer yer face..."
"Will I still be purty...?"
"Downrigh' ravishin'."
"Thanks be fer tha'... I were worried... Seein' as yer usin' tha' vet stuff on me..."
"Dumbass. Use it on m'self all the time... It's saved me more'n a few trips ta the doctor fer stitches... that 'n them butterfly bandages..."
"You ever use it on yer face...?"
"Nope. Prob'bly be fine though."
"Here... Hold these bags a frozen peas on both sides a yer face fer a l'il while... When it gets too cold lift 'em off fer a l'il while 'n put 'em somewheres else that hurts... ya don't want yer face ta get too cold... but it should help the swellin' go down some... 'n prevent it from gettin' worse..."
"Thanks, Ed."
"So's... Couldya got some a them internal injuries 'n not know it, Hank...? Maybe we should still head ta that emergency room 'n get ya all checked out..."
"Nah... I'm okay, Ed... Well... I will be anyways... My ribs hurt... think they're jus' bruised though... Along with the rest a me..."
"D'ya think you can tell me what happened now...?"
"Yeah... I think so... I were jus' drivin' home... 'n then a truck with a couple a fellas kept beepin' at me... 'n when I slowed down they came up beside me..."
"Damn... Wouldya recognize them again...?"
"Yeah. I would. They were prob'bly in their mid ta late-twenties... both of 'em... 'N the one on my side rolled down his window 'n said... real friendly 'n concerned-like... tha' the truck were leakin' somethin' real bad... So's I pulled over... 'n they pulled over..."
"Jeez, Hank... Ya shoulda floored it when they pulled over..."
"I know tha'... now. At the time I jus' thought they wanted ta help... Anyways... one of 'em grabbed me from behind... while the other one punched me... 'n..."
"Fuckin' cowards... I'll kill 'em with my bare hands if'n I ever get my hands on 'em..."
"Don't even say that, Ed... Wouldn' wanna lose you over somethin' like this... Ya'd end up in prison... or worse..."
"Jus' tell me what else happened..."
"Well... after that I were purty much down fer the count... 'n... I hate ta tell ya this, Ed..."
"Jus' tell me already."
"Well... they beat up the truck even worse than me... One fella with a metal pipe... I think... 'n the other with a bat... 'fore they took off..."
"Dammit, Hank... I don't give a damn 'bout the truck... I'm Jus' glad they didn't use them things on you. Damn. Jus' damn. I think I gotta sit down fer a minute..."
"'S okay, Ed."
"No. It ain't okay. I coulda lost ya..."
"But ya didn't. I'm okay, Ed."
"How'd they...? Why'd they...?"
"I dunno, Ed... Alls I can think of is tha' when I stopped at the truck stop ta get some gas 'n a cup a coffee fer the way home... Well... Turns out Melvin'd heard 'bout you 'n me from someone 'n he said congratulations ta me... 'n we talked some 'bout you 'n me bein' able ta get hitched legal-like 'n the appeal 'n all... So's... maybe them fellas heard tha'... 'n followed me... 'n... well... you know the rest..."
"Did they... uh... say somethin'... Ya know... tha' made ya think tha' were the reason...?"
"Yeah. They made it purty clear as ta the why of it."
"Didya call the sheriff on yer way home... Is he comin' out...?"
"Couldn' call... They got my phone right off... 'n stomped it good... 'N... well... anyways... afterwards... once I woke up... alls I could think about were gettin' home... ta you..."
"Wait a minute... once ya woke up...?"
"Yeah... It all happened so quick-like... I were just managin' ta try 'n get up when they were leavin'... 'n I guess that's when I passed out... Couldna been out fer too long though... Don't think so anyways... Otherwise ya'd think someone else woulda come by 'n helped when they saw the truck like tha'..."
"Ya coulda froze ta death out there if'n ya hadna woke up..."
"No way, Ed... Ya know damn well if'n someone else hadn't a found me you woulda come lookin' fer me soon 'nough."
"Well... C'mon, Hank... I'm takin' you to that emergency room..."
"No way, Ed... I told ya... I'm fine..."
"Ain't takin' 'no' fer an answer... You passin' out changes it all... we gotta get you checked over real good... 'N make sure them ribs are jus' bruised 'n not broken 'n stickin' somewheres they shouldn'... 'n tha' ya don't got a concussion... or worse maybe... 'N... besides... I jus' shoulda took ya there from the get go... Don't know what I were thinkin' not doin' tha'... Don't need ta pass out ta get a concussion... Guess I jus' weren't thinkin'..."
"Cain't it wait 'til tomorrow...? If'n I ain't okay by then, then I'll go willin'ly..."
"No. It cain't wait. C'mon... I'll call the the sheriff once we get there... 'n he can see ya at the hospital."
"Okay, Ed. Figure we cain't let this one go."
"No way in hell can we let it go. But... ya don't think they mighta hung 'round somewheres nearby 'n followed ya out here ta the ranch, do ya...?"
"Nah. I don't think so... Figure once they done it they'd wanna get far away..."
"I'm gettin' a gun ta take with us anyways..."
"Don't s'pose I could stop ya..."
"No way in hell, Hank."
"Jus' don't go shootin' Bill... or Betty... or one a the dogs... or the cat... by mistake."
"Dumbass. 'N Bill 'n Betty ain't back yet... I'll call 'em from the hospital later on..."
"Or me... Don't go shootin' me by mistake... I'm feelin' bad 'nough as it is..."
"Hold up, Hank... I'm gonna go get tha' marriage certificate... Jus' so's there won't be no problem with that hospital... Then I'll help ya up 'n out ta the truck..."
"Cain't hardly believe they actually sent it to us... Thought they'd try ta hold off on tha' 'til that appeal were settled too."
"Yeah... well... The governor prob'bly knew he could get away with breakin' the law only so's far... Just hope them guys who did this to ya don't get away with it."
Later, at the emergency room...
"Okay... You should be good to go, Mr. Smith-Jones, right after we get you a prescription for some painkillers for those broken ribs. If you'd like us to call it in for you we can, we just need the name of the pharmacy you use. And don't forget to wake him up every couple of hours if he's sleeping. Did the nurse give you the information sheet listing the warning signs to look for?"
"Wait justa minute here... Aintcha gonna really check out his head...? Do one a them scan things... or whatever ya call 'em...?"
"There's really no need for that."
"If'n ya say so... But... ya know... fer some reason I jus' cain't help thinkin' 'bout tha' fella gettin' hit in the head by tha' kid... Up north it were that it happened... last spring durin' a soccer game... He were the referee 'n this kid didn't like his call 'n hauled off 'n hit him... just once... 'N they said tha' referee were okay too... Sent him home... Then next thing ya know he's in a coma... 'n next thing after that he's dead. 'Course I imagine tha' family's got one helluva lawsuit 'gainst them tha' sent him home... But I bet no amount a money can take the place a him in their lives..."
"Well... Maybe we should do a couple of tests and keep you overnight for observation, Mr. Smith-Jones. It's always a good idea to cover all the bases when head injuries are involved."
"Dammit, Ed... I'm fine ta go home... 'N I wanna go home..."
"We better listen ta the doctor, Hank... Think he knows what he's talkin' 'bout."
Later that evening in Hank's hospital room...
"Don't sound too promisin' ta catch 'em..."
"More like them sheriff's deputies don't care too much 'bout tryin' ta catch 'em."
"Don't know 'bout that, Ed... Just wish I could remember the license plate... Just havin' the make 'n model ain't gonna get us too far... 'N it bein' a Utah plate don't mean they're from 'round here... with tha' truck stop righ' by the interstate they could be from anywheres in Utah..."
"D'ya know how late Melvin usually works...?"
"I dunno... purty late I think..."
"Well... While you get some rest here... I'm gonna go talk ta Melvin... Tell him what happened... 'N ask him 'bout wha' cameras they migh' got where 'n whatnot... Maybe they got a camera pointed at their lot 'n we can figure out who followed ya... maybe get the license... 'N maybe they got an inside camera too 'n we can see if'n anyone were hangin' 'round nearby listenin' ta you 'n Melvin...""
"C'mon, Detective Smith-Jones... jus' leave all tha' ta the sheriff..."
"I'll be back 'fore ya know it... 'S just up the road... Don't wanna leave ya fer long... Hell... don't wanna leave ya at all... Jus' wanna make sure if'n they do got video of 'em it don't get erased fer some reason..."
"Then jus' go home 'n get yerself some rest, Ed... You ain't gonna get no rest here... wha' with them havin' ta wake me up ev'ry couple a hours... Jus' call me when ya get there..."
"No way, Hank... I'm comin' back here 'n spendin' the night in tha' chair righ' there... I'll call Bill 'n make sure he'll be around ta look after things..."
"No arguments. Ya know damn well you'd do the same if'n it were me in here."
"Cain't argue with tha'."
But... 'fore I go... I got one other question fer ya..."
"Well... if'n they took yer wallet... they'd know where we live... 'n if'n they do... I wanna call 'n warn Bill 'bout it... Just in case they get any other ideas..."
"Well... they took it... but I think they jus' took the money out... didn't even have much... 'n then tossed it further out inta tha' field..."
"Okay, Hank... I'll look fer it tomorrow after I get ya home... But... uh... d'ya think you can point out ta me where it happened when we head home...?"
"Yeah. I think so. Dammit... Jus' wish there were some way I could remember their license plate... Withou' somethin' concrete like tha' ta go on there ain't no way ta find 'em..."
"Don't worry 'bout tha' now, Hank... Jus' get yerself some rest... I'll be back real soon..."
Later... back in Hank's hospital room...
"How ya doin', Hank...?"
"Be a helluva lot better if'n I were at home."
"Yeah. Wish that doctor woulda let ya go."
"But... Got bad news... Tha' truck stop's got cameras inside 'n out... aimed at the cash register 'n them gas pumps... but they ain't been workin' fer the last couple a months..."
"That's too bad..."
"Yeah. 'N Melvin said he didn't notice nothin' out a the ordinary... But he's gonna think on it more 'n if'n anythin' comes to him he'll let us know..."
"Yeah... I didn' notice nothin' neither."
"He feels real bad 'bout wha' happened to you... Said he'd stop by here tomorrow... but I told him you'd prob'bly be goin' home first thing in the mornin'..."
"Sure as hell hope so."
"You will be. Ev'rything's looked good so's far... 'Cept you... You look like hell..."
"Thanks a lot."
"Don't worry, Hank... you'll be back ta downrigh' ravishin' in no time."
The next morning...
"So's... You think I'm ready ta go home now, Dr. Edward Smith-Jones...?"
"Yaaaawn... Yep. I'm jus' glad they checked ya out real good."
"So's... you get any sleep, Ed...?"
"Don't believe ya fer a minute... Tha' nurse said ev'ry time she came in ta wake me up I were snorin' ta beat the band."
"'S okay, Hank... It were like music ta my ears... 'N a lot more on key than yer singin' ever is."
That afternoon, back at the ranch...
"Brought ya a blanket, Hank... in case yer cold... 'S a l'il chilly in the house... Ya want I should turn up the heat...?"
"Yer offerin' ta turn up the heat...? I knew it... I'm dyin' 'n you 'n them doctors jus' don't wanna tell me..."
"Hey, c'mon 'n join us, Ed..."
"Don't think there's room fer me... Wha' with all them dogs 'n tha' cat layin' on 'n 'round ya..."
"Ya did some dog 'n cat whisperin' 'n told 'em to... didn't ya...?"
"Nope. They took pity on ya all on their own. But... ain't they hurtin' yer ribs...?"
"L'il bit... But it's worth it... Be even more worth it if'n ya'd join us..."
"I dunno, Hank... I really should get a start on fixin' dinner..."
"What if I told ya Clint Eastwood's on this episode of Maverick I'm watchin'...?"
"Well... Guess I could take a break... Fer a l'il while..."
"Thought tha' jus' migh' tip the scales... C'mon over here, dumbass..."
"How 'bout I jus' sit on this here end a the couch... so's I don't hurt ya... or disturb them dogs 'n tha' cat..."
"So's... ya know, Ed... I read a while back tha' Clint Eastwood's a free man... 'N has been fer the past year 'n then some... Betcha him talkin' ta tha' chair at tha' republican convention in 2011 were the beginnin' of the end fer tha' relationship... Hey... Where ya goin'...?"
"Pack my bags... Figure it's now or never ta give it a try... 'fore someone else snatches him up... I'll call ya from the road..."
"Guess it were bound ta happen sooner or later..."
"Glad ya understand."
"'Course... there's just one l'il problem..."
"Wha' migh' tha' be...?"
"If'n ya wanna leave me it's gonna be a l'il more complicated than before... wha' with us bein' hitched all legal-like now... "
"Dammit... I knew we rushed inta it... Don't s'pose ya'd go fer one a them open marriages...?"
"C'mon over here, Ed... I'll do my best ta console ya..."
"You ain't up ta consolin' me."
"Didn't mean that... Meant I'd hold yer hand 'n let ya cry on my shoulder... figurative-like anyways..."
"Thanks, Hank."
"Yer welcome."
The middle of the night...
"Ed... Ed... Wake up, Ed... Yer havin' a nigh'mare..."
"Huh...? Wha'...? Damn..."
"You were havin' a nigh'mare... You okay...?"
"Yeah. Damn... Were the same one I used ta have... way back when... ya know..."
"I know, I know... But ev'rythin's alrigh'... I'm gonna be jus' fine, Ed..."
"Damn... It's just... what happened to ya... it coulda been so much worse than it were..."
"But it weren't."
"Wish we woulda never got them marriage rights... Hell... I hope tha' court takes 'em away..."
"Ya don't mean that, Ed..."
"Yeah. I do. Tha' way no one's gonna have no reason ta hurt ya again."
"Ya know damn well them dumbasses who wanna hurt folks like us don't need no real reason... they hate us fer jus' bein who we are... 'n that's all the reason they need..."
"Well... This here is jus' givin' 'em more of a reason... Ya know damn well that's what happens... ya get them bigots all riled up 'bout somethin'... like us bein' able ta get hitched legal-like... 'n some of 'em are bound ta take it real personal-like... think they're losin' somethin'... when they ain't... 'n they try ta even the score or whatever it is they think they're doin'... by hurtin' someone who never did a damn thing ta them..."
"Cut it out, Ed... We ain't gonna stop fightin' fer our rights... No one is gonna make us do tha'... Especially not when we're almost there... Not jus' with civil marriage rights ... which there ain't no stoppin' anyways now that it's in the hands a the federal courts... but with that anti-discrimination law here in Utah too... Hate law's gonna take a helluva lot longer here... but I ain't givin' up on tha' neither..."
"Well... we were fine before... We jus' kept our heads down 'n kept ta ourselves... 'n we were real careful... 'n we didn't get people noticin' us too much... 'n ev'rythin' was fine... 'n now... lookit what happened to ya... The minute ya don't watch yerself... 'n talk free-like ta someone out in public..."
"Stop it, Ed... Tha' coulda happened anytime... 'n you know it..."
"But it never did... Not 'til now..."
"Cut it out, Ed... I cain't go back ta livin' like that... 'n I won't."
"I jus'... I don't... I don't know wha'd I do... if'n somethin' were ta happen to you..."
"I feel the same way 'bout you, Ed... But we cain't live scared all the time..."
"'N... I jus' cain't help startin' ta feel like I did... ya know... back then..."
"Well... Jus' don't... Jus' don't start feelin' like tha'..."
"Ya think it's that easy, huh...?"
"I know it ain't easy fer ya... But... 'n I'm serious-like here... I jus' cain't go back ta livin' tha' way... I jus' cain't, Ed..."
"Okay, Hank... I'll try... If you try 'n watch whatcha say... 'n who yer sayin' it 'round..."
"How the hell am I s'posed ta do tha'...?"
"Jus' try... fer me... Justa l'il anyways..."
"Okay... I'll try, Ed."
"Thanks, Hank."
"Yer welcome."
"'N... Don't never pull over fer no one again... 'lessen ya know 'em real well..."
"Well... if'n someone needs help I sure as hell ain't gonna pass 'em by."
"Well... Tha' ya gotta do... But don't do nothin' like ya did today... If'n somethin' like that happens again jus' thank 'em 'n wave 'em on 'n don't get outta the truck ta check things out 'til they're long gone... 'N if'n they don't move on... you damn well better."
"Yes, mother."
"Dumbass. 'N... Ya gotta promise me you'll carry a gun with ya from now on..."
"No way, Ed... I ain't makin' no such promise... 'N it wouldna mattered if'n I'd had a gun on my hip even... The way the one grabbed me from behind... there weren't no way I coulda got to it... But they sure as hell coulda..."
"Well... then least-wise lemme put the rifle back up in the rear window a yer truck... Once yer truck gets fixed..."
"That wouldna made no diff'rence neither."
"It mighta... Or migh'... fer someone else... jus' seein' ya got yerself tha' rifle they'll think maybe ya got a handgun too... one you can get to real quick-like."
"Fine. You can put the rifle back. Unloaded. But that's it. 'N then ya gotta try 'n ferget about it... I don't wanna go back ta how things used ta be way back then... 'N I ain't gonna."
"Okay, Hank. But..."
"Are you okay...? Fer real-like...? Not jus' physical-like... But... ya know..."
"Yeah... I know whatcha mean... 'N... well... I ain't okay. But... I will be... I ain't gonna let 'em get the better of me... No way. No how."
"If'n ya think ya need ta... uh... you know... talk ta someone 'bout it... someone who knows 'bout this kinda stuff..."
"Snort... Ya really think there's anyone 'round here that ain't of the prevailin' bigoted religious bent...?"
"Prob'bly not. But we could go to a bigger town 'n find someone who ain't like tha'..."
"Thanks, Ed... I'll jus' see how it goes first... So's... How 'bout ya put on some quiet, relaxin' music 'n we try 'n get us some sleep...?"
"Comin' right up, Hank..."
A couple of minutes later...
"What's takin' so long, Ed...?"
"Ain't sure wha' ta put on... Ain't a lotta them cds that're quiet-like all the way through... Wait a minute... Think I jus' found somethin'..."
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KXMCY-afvVI&list=PLB920DB24E2F22B16 "Dumbass."
"Clint Eastwood singin'?"
"Forgot we even had tha'."
"Not me."
"'S one a my fav'rites."
"'N you complain' 'bout my singin'..."
"Clint's got a voice like one a them angels."
"Yeah. One a them fallen angels."
"Yer jus' jealous."
"Damn right I am."
"Don't blame ya... the man's got a real fine singin' voice."
"That ain't what I'm jealous of, dumbass."
"You should be."
"So's... Thanks, Ed..."
"Fer wha'...?"
"Bein' a dumbass... now... 'n earlier too... I 'preciate it... You tryin' ta make me laugh... well... grin anyways... seein' as it hurts too much ta laugh..."
"Don't know wha' yer talkin' about."
"Yeah, ya do. Now... c'mon back over here 'n let's let Clint... uh... fer lack of a better word... sing... us ta sleep..."
A few minutes later...
"You asleep yet, Hank...?"
"Nope. Are you...?"
"Ya never know... Ya could be talkin' in yer sleep."
"Well I ain't... 'N... I were thinkin'... once yer feelin' better... maybe we could head out campin' somewheres... Get ourselves away from here fer a few days..."
"Yeah... That'd be good, Ed."
"Campin' it is... 'N you can choose the place this time..."
"How 'bout we give Moab a try...? It migh' not be so's over-run this time a year..."
"No way in hell, Hank."
"Now there's the Ed I know 'n love."
"Where...? I don't see no one."
"G'nigh', dumbass."
"G'night, Hank."