
Jun 10, 2014 08:15

Ed and Hank

Here a rant... There a rant...

Disclaimer: Hank told their story to Annie Proulx. Jack and Ennis are all hers. Ed and Hank belong only to each other. Rating: G $$: Nope.

Links to all previous posts are here:

Here a rant... There a rant... is here... )

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Comments 14

When I saw "Randy Travis, huh...?" graciesdaddy June 26 2014, 06:43:56 UTC
I was *hoping* that it'd be that one!! YAY!! That's 'bout the only song of his that'd fit this situation. ;)

Meanwhile, it IS complicated. Tha' church fella *could* have been Fred's bishop... Who has the power to kick him out of That So-Called Church! Keep in mind, Hank, that organization is controlled by only THREE Big Guys and 12 Less-Than-Big-Guys [but still pretty "big", in *their* minds, anyway] in Salt Lake City. What they say, GOES!

And yes, it's all about The Money!

If you *really* wanna figure it out, go here: http://www.postmormon.org That might 'splain a few things for ya!

Keep th' greasy side down, Fellas!


Re: When I saw "Randy Travis, huh...?" myeyesaintblue July 2 2014, 02:24:07 UTC
Yeah - Hank tries to remember that it's especially complicated for a lot of their friends - He just gets so damn impatient with the whole damn world sometimes. Ed's remedy was real nice - they just got back from a nice long camping trip a couple of days ago and heard the news about the 10th! Too bad they immediately stayed their ruling, but that was to be expected. On to the Supreme Court! (Although Hank's a little more nervous now after their crazy hobby lobby ruling allowing religious company owners to determine what birth control is and isn't covered for their employees - Who knows if that won't lead to more laws like Arizona tried to pass allowing religious business owners to discriminate against lgbt citizens... Hank's gotta remember - the fight is never really over..

Thanks for the link - Hank has checked it out in the past, but not for a long time, so he will again.

Glad you liked the Randy Travis song! We all do too!


congrats and I know joetheone June 28 2014, 15:16:20 UTC
Yep we have all seen it where someone tells us they support us but does not want others to know they know us or acccepts us. But, I guess this is all part of the growing process. It is one step. It takes generations to change the thoughts and minds of others. Look how dam long it has been since Stonewall and look at how the rollercoaster has taken us on acceptance from decade to decade since. Look at the Woman's suffarage movement and the plight of african american's it takes time and it will get better. I believe this more and more if Utah can accept gay marriage than the south will roll over sooner or later. My thoughts are with you and I'm glad that Utah is accepting of you in legal words anyhow it will just take time for the minds of others to come around. Joe


Re: congrats and I know myeyesaintblue July 2 2014, 02:14:41 UTC
Yeah - You are always the voice of reason. And Hank agrees - he just gets so damn impatient with the whole damn world sometimes. Unfortunately, Utah hasn't quite accepted it legally yet, they're still going to appeal the 10th circuit court's ruling to the Supreme Court. And the 10th stayed their ruling until that appeal is heard. Boo! But equality it IS coming - That's for damn sure. In the meantime, Ed's just going to have to take Hank camping again and again and again so he can get away from himself. :=) They just got back from a nice, long camping trip a couple of days ago, but all the news is wearing Hank down again real quick.


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