(no subject)

Jun 30, 2015 08:55

Ed and Hank


(This happened this past Friday!)

Disclaimer: Hank told their story to Annie Proulx. Jack and Ennis are all hers. Ed and Hank belong only to each other. Rating: G $$: Nope.

Links to all previous posts are here:



"Lemme guess... The Supreme Court ruled in our favor, huh...?"

"They sure as hell did!!! WhooooHoooo...!!!!! Equal civil marriage rights are the law of this here land...!!!! WhooooHoooo...!!!!!  Ev'ry single bit of it... from sea ta shinin' sea... WhooooHoooo...!!!!!  And we lived ta see it...!!! WhooooHoooo...!!!!! "

"That's great news, Hank... But if'n ya don't stop jumpin' 'round like tha' yer like ta re-hurt that ankle a yers..."

"Well I wouldn' like ta... But there ain't no way in heaven or hell I can stop jumpin' around over fin'lly bein' as equal as ev'ryone else in this here country.... WhooooHoooo...!!!!!"

"Jus' try 'n be careful, dumbass."

"We need us some jumpin' 'round music.... 'N I got jus' the song..."

"More jumpin' around's 'xactly wha' you don't need..."

"Okay, okay... I'll put on a real slow-like version of it...  Soooo's... IIIIII.... Caaan... Juuusst... Waaaaalk...  Aaaarooound...,  Reeeeal...  Slooooow-liiiike...  Aaaaaand...  Celebraaaaaaate..."


"Here... 'n might I add...  WhooooHoooo...!!!!!"


"Not only mightcha... Ya just did."

"I sure as hell did.  'N fer the first time ever... I really feel like this here land is our land too..."

"I know whatcha mean."


"Watch tha' dresser corner, Hank..."

"But... I sure wish Pete Seeger woulda lived ta see this here day... Think he woulda been jumpin' up 'n down 'n WhoooHoooing right along with me..."

"Yeah... But least-wise he lived long 'nough ta know another win fer civil rights were comin' 'round the bend real soon."

"True 'nough.  So's... C'mon, Ed... Let's dance..."

"Well, maybe tha' way I can slow ya down some..."

"Good luck with tha'."

"Thanks. I'll need it."

"You sure as hell will."

"I love yer dumb ass, Mr. Henry Smith-Jones-fer-real-'n-fer-legal-like-in-all-fifty-states..."

"I love yers too, Mr. Edward Smith-Jones-fer-real-'n-fer-legal-like-in-all-fifty-states... 'N the District of Columbia too..."


"Well, I'll be damned... Did you just 'WhoooHooo' too, Mr. Edward Smith-Jones...?"

"I ain't righ' sure.  But I jus' mighta."

"Well... Alls I can say to that is... WhooooHoooo...!!!!"

"C'mere, dumbass."

"Wait a minute... Wouldya lookit that..."


"C'mon, out on the porch... 'N grab them magic suglasses a yers..."

"I'm comin'..."

"Damn... D'ya see it, Ed... ?"

"No way I could miss it.  Jeez... That's real purty..."

"Can ya see all them colors, Ed...? Do it look dif'rent than rainbows looked to ya before...?"

"Sure do look dif'rent... Ain't never seen nothin' like it before..."

"Yer first rainbow in livin' color... 'N on the day we win equal civil marriage rights acrost this here whole country... How's tha' fer real appropriate-like...?"


"You can say that again."


"You can say that again."


"Them gotta be the best colors I ever seen..."

"Same here, Hank."

"'N... Jeez... Jus' think of it... Ta start where we started... all them years ago... you 'n me... 'N ta end up here...  Married... legal-like... Ta live ta see it... 'n be it... 'crost this whole damn country... I jus' cain't hardly believe it's true...."

"We sure come one helluve long way..."

"We sure did.  'Specially you, Mr. Edward Smith-Jones-fer-real-'n-fer-legal-like-in-all-fifty-states-'n-the-District-of-Columbia too..."

"Guess my trip were a l'il bit longer than yers."

"A 'l'il bit', huh...?"


"'N justa 'l'il bit' rougher too...?"


"'Course it wouldna been quite so's rough or so's long a trip if'n ya woulda jus' stopped ta ask me fer directions ev'ry now 'n again."


"But... Damn... I jus' cain't hardly believe we lived ta see it happen, Ed..."

"Wouldya stop sayin' that already... Makes it sound like now yer gonna drop dead on accounta yer work here is done."

"No way in hell, Ed.  I'm gonna enjoy our equal rights fer so's long as I can... Besides... I'm plannin' on livin' ta see LGBT folks added ta them fed'ral gover'ment laws protectin' us from bein' discriminated against... on accounta there's gonna be a whole lotta bigoted religious folks riled up over this 'n lookin' ta find any  way they can ta make us back inta second-class citizens... Hell... They already been tryin' it...  'N all this is jus' gonna egg 'em on..."

"More fightin', huh...?"

"You ain't seen nothin' yet..."

"Feel like now I seen just about ev'rythin'."

"Well... I got somethin' right here ya jus' migh' wanna see..."

"Purty sure I prob'ly seen it before.  Few times even."

"Not since we been married legal-like in all fifty states..."

"'N the District a Columbia."

"'N ya never know.... It migh' look dif'rent now."

"Guess I better check it out then..."

"Guess ya better."

"C'mere, dumbass."

"You got it, Ed..."

"I sure as hell do."

"You mean we sure as hell do."

"I sure as hell do."


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