(no subject)

Nov 29, 2016 13:55

Ed and Hank

Bad moon on the rise...

Disclaimer: Hank told their story to Annie Proulx. Jack and Ennis are all hers. Ed and Hank belong only to each other. Rating: G $$: Nope.

Links to all previous posts are here:

"Hey, Hank..."

"Hey, Ed."

"Uh... I gotta... I mean... Could I talk ta ya 'bout somethin'...?"

"What's up...?"

"It's just tha'... These past few weeks... Ya been up at the crack a dawn 'n outside workin' with me 'n Bill ev'ry day... With no complainin'... Not one bit... 'N ya ain't been on the computer none... 'N ya ain't been rantin' 'n ravin' at all... 'N... Well... It just ain't like ya at all... 'N... Well... it's gotta stop..."

"Lemme make sure I got this righ'... Yer complainin'... on accounta I been gettin' up 'n workin' all day ev'ry day 'n not rantin' 'n ravin' none...?"

"Yep.  It's scarin' the hell outta me.''


"I'm serious, Hank... I'm worried 'bout ya... We're worried 'bout ya...  Me 'n Bill 'n Betty... 'n Iris too... We're 'fraid yer gonna have yerself a breakdown or somethin'... Not lettin' it all out... Ya know... 'bout the election 'n all..."

"There were an election...?  You sure...?  Don't think I heard nothin' 'bout it."

"Cut it out, Hank... I'm bein' serious-like here."

"I know, Ed. 'N... the truth is... I'm 'fraid if'n I do let it out I won't be able ta stop it... I'm just... just so... so...  stunned... 'n... disappointed... by this here country 'n the people who voted fer... fer... Hell... I cain't even say the name... 'N some a them people he's namin' fer his cabinet 'n advisors... Damn... It's like turnin' the clock back ta bush, jr., only a helluva lot worse even... a helluva lot worse..."

"Thought you ain't been on yer computer...?"

"I weren't... I were up late one nigh' flippin' channels... lookin' fer an old movie or somethin'... 'n saw one a them late-night comedians talkin' 'bout it... 'N it's bad as I thought it'd be... real bad... Worse than that even... 'N I just thought... I thought the decent folks in this country would get out there 'n vote 'n say tha' what he's said... 'N how he ran his campaign... all the hatred 'n bigotry he's spewed... 'n pandered to... 'n the violence he encouraged in his supporters... I thought there'd be more than enough folks who'd get out there 'n vote 'n say... 'Hell no! That's dead wrong 'n we ain't gonna abide it no more'... 'N he'd lose by a landslide... Even with tha' dumbass electoral college... But... They didn't... They didn't do it... 'N... I jus' cain't believe they didn't do tha'... 'N I jus' cain't believe he actual-like won...  A real dangerous, impulsive, petty, hate-filled, racist, sexist, homophobic, fear-mongerin', lyin', bully of a man... is gonna be the president of this here country...  'N my brain... it just cain't handle it no more... Think maybe it's shorted out or somethin'..."

"Well... Least-wise tha' were the start of a rant... Needs a helluva lot more anger in it though... Maybe give 'er another try, Hank..."

"'S all I got, Ed.  'Cept fer a real bad feelin' that I jus' cain't shake..."

"Maybe that's dinner."

"Sure as hell wish it were.  'S been doggin' me since he won... Been tryin' ta work it outta me... Exhaustin' m'self in hopes it'd die down... But that ain't been doin' no good..."

"Well... That explains all the workin'..."

"If only Clinton woulda picked Bernie Sanders.. or Elizabeth Warren... fer her runnin' mate... Tha' mighta made all the diff'rence... Showed maybe she weren't jus' gonna be the same old same old... 'N tha' woulda got a whole lot more voters out ta vote... Or if only more voters realized he could win... Maybe if they took the threat serious-like they woulda got out ta vote in bigger numbers... I jus' don't understand how they could not take the threat serious-like...  If'n ever there were a real case fer votin' fer the 'lesser of two evils' even if'n the Democrat weren't yer fav'rite... This were it.. 'N... If only more folks woulda..."

"Yer gonna 'if only' yerself all the way ta crazy, Hank... Ain't no point to it."

"I know, Ed."

"'N ya know there ain't nothin' we can do about it... Not 'til somethin' happens specific-like anyways..."

"'N not then even... Yeah, folks can protest... but ain't no one gonna listen... 'Specially not now..."

"Least-wise then ya know ya stood up fer what's right... Stood up 'gainst the hate... 'S all ya can do sometimes..."

"That's what I never got... Just how much hate there is... I thought it were a real minority of folks in this here country who hated tha' much... I thought... if'n push came ta shove... 'n it did... most folks would be decent...  'N I truly thought he'd lose by a landslide... I'm just... I'm just... stunned... that he didn't... "

"Yeah.  You.  Me.  'N a whole lotta other folks too."

"'N... I know a whole lotta folks are angry... Workin' folks who feel like they been forgotten... 'N all the decent jobs sent overseas... But... votin' the way they did... votin' their hate... it ain't gonna do them... or anybody but the real rich... no good at all... They shoulda been votin' fer Bernie Sanders in the primary with the rest of us... instead of fer... Nope... Ain't gonna say his name... Only they're so wrapped up in their hatin' tha' they cain't even see tha' they voted 'gainst theirselves... 'N against ev'ry other person in this country who ain't rich... 'N they're so full a hate tha' they cain't even see that a whole lotta Black folks 'n Hispanic folks 'n plenty a other folks are in the same damn boat they are... Sittin' righ' next to 'em... In a boat they just ran inta a big ol' iceberg... On purpose..."

"Guess they'll find out soon 'nough..."

"Guess so.  After the damage is already done.  Damage ta them dumbass folks... Damage ta minorities... Damage ta poor folks... Damage ta us gay folks... Damage ta women... Damage ta old folks... Damage ta the environment...  Hell... I cain't even imagine wha' they're gonna do ta Utah lands... 'n public lands in other states too... 'S gonna be one helluva free fer all... 'N I guess... I guess I jus' gotta figure out a way ta live with tha'... Live with knowin' who this country put inta the most important office in the country... Who they gave the reins to... Damn... Scares the hell outta me."

"'Me too, Hank."

"Hope you got a whole lot more work tha' needs doin', Ed... Think I'm gonna need it..."

"Well... I do got somethin' in mind... Be real exhaustin' fer ya, though..."

"'S fine with me."

"'N I'd like ya ta get started on it real soon-like..."

"First thing tomorrow it is."

"Well... 'S inside work... So's I were thinkin' maybe you could get started first thing tonight... Righ' now, even..."

"Lemme guess... It's tha' damn attic... stacked with all that old stuff from floor ta ceilin'... 'N yeah, yeah... I'll do it... But I'm not startin' on it tonight... Jeez... Had ta go 'n open my big ol' mouth..."

"Ain't that attic I want done.  Not tonight anyways."

"Then what 'xactly do ya want done that's so all-fired urgent that it cain't wait 'til tomorrow...?"

"Yer lookin' right at it."


"'Nother reason I'm worried 'bout ya... You ain't never been this slow on the uptake before..."

"Sorry, Ed... Guess I have been neglectin' ya some..."

"Yep.  C'mere, dumbass..."

"Hold on... I wanna put some music on..."

"You go right ahead...  But... How 'bout puttin' on somethin' real angry-like..."


"Yep.  The angrier the better... Maybe jump-start tha' stunned brain a yers... Get yerself outta bein' all depressed-like 'n inta a fightin' mood again... 'Cause there's gonna be a helluva lotta fightin' ta do that I know ya'd hate ta miss out on..."

"Lemme make sure I'm understandin' this... Ya want me ta get all angry-like... while we're havin' at each other...?"

"Yep. I can handle it.  'N... I gotta admit... I kinda like it even... Sometimes, anyways..."

"Ya like it a l'il rough, huh...?  Damned if'n a fella don't learn somethin' new ev'ryday..."

"Just put some music on, dumbass."

"You got it, Ed.  Lessee... Lemme think fer a sec..."

"I've waited this long... Guess a few more seconds won't matter..."

"Ain't been that long, dumbass.  Okay... Think I got it... Here..."


"Eve of Destruction, huh...?  Seems appropriate-like."

"Yep. Brace yerself Ed..."

"I always do."

One minute and 43 seconds later...

"Hold on a sec, Ed... I wanna sing this here part..."

"Wha' the hell...?"

"...Yeah, my blood's so mad, feels like coagulatin'... I'm sittin' here, jus' contemplatin'... I can't twist the truth... it knows no regulation... Handful of senators don't pass legislation... And marches alone can't bring integration... When human respect is disintegratin'... This whole crazy world is jus' too frustratin'... And you tell me over and over and over again my friend... Ah, you don't believe we're on the eve of destruction..."

"You 'bout done...?"

"Yep.  Jus' couldn' pass up singin' lyrics tha' rhyme coagulatin' with contemplatin'...  'S gotta be the only song ever ta even use the word 'coagulatin'..."

"C'mon back here, dumbass..."

A minute and a half later...

"...Hate yer next door neighbor, but don't ferget ta say grace..."

"Jeez, Hank...!"

"Sorry, Ed... Just had ta sing tha' part 'bout religion... All them goddamn hypocritical, so-called 'christians' who couldn't help but show their true colors by votin' fer tha' disgustin' human bein'... But I'm done now... I swear..."

"C'mere, dumbass..."


"Damn, Hank..."

"You can say that again.  Whew...!"

"So's Hank...?"


"Wha' time d'ya wan' me ta wake ya up tomorrow...?  Ya know... ta start on that attic ya said ya'd clean out..."

"I said that...?  Are you sure...?  Tha' sure don't sound like somethin' I'd say..."


"'N even if'n I did say it... which I clearly didn't... I think I'm gonna be waaaay too busy ta get 'round ta that attic... I gotta get back on tha' computer... See what's goin' on 'n all... 'N I gotta start plannin' a 'New Year's Eve of Destruction' party... Well more like a small get together... We don't got many folks we can invite... but least-wise we can huddle together 'n get rip-roarin' drunk."

"Good ta have ya back, Hank."

"Good ta be back, Ed.   But..."

"Uh oh."

"It's just that... I ain't sure how long I can keep it up... This is gonna be real hard... Hell... Cain't stay drunk all the time... Don't wanna do in my liver..."

"Yer damn righ' ya cain't stay drunk all the time."

"Think wha' we need ta do is maybe head off on a campin' trip..."

"Sounds good, Hank... Be good ta get away fer a while.  Where ya wanna go...?"

"Well... I were thinkin' maybe eastern Utah..."

"Sounds good."

"'N... I were thinkin' of makin' a quick stop in Colorado first..."

"Why the hell d'ya wanna do tha'...?"

"Ta pick up some pot.  Some grade A... USDA inspected... strong as we can find... marijuana."


"I ain't kiddin', Ed."

"Well... yer gonna be able ta get it closer than tha'... Ya missed the news... 'S gonna be legal-like in Nevada... 'S only a few hours ta Las Vegas from here... Even less if'n yer drivin'... Hell... We'll prob'bly be able ta get it in Mesquite... 'N that's a helluva closer even..."

"Damn.  I can't believe I missed tha'.  Jus' goes ta show ya... If'n ya try ta ignore the bad news ya sometimes miss the good.  But... it prob'bly ain't gonna be legal-like there fer a  l'il while yet... So's... I still wanna head ta Colorado."

"You real serious-like 'bout this...?"

"Yep.  I'm really gonna need me some help...  Somethin' ta take the edge off... I just ain't gonna make it through the next four years on my own... Or just with you tryin' ta prop me up over 'n over again...  Ain't fair ta ya..."

"S' okay... You ain't heavy, yer my husband."

"Dumbass. "

"Ya know  Hank... I... Uh... I ain't never smoked it before."

"Yer kiddin'...?"

"I ain't kiddin'.  Where the hell would I have got it...?  Stuck in tha' small town... You were the one doin' all the travelin' 'round... 'n had ways ta get it easy-like."

"'N I never brought none fer ya way back when...?"


"Well, then... We gotta get you high, Ed."

"Fine with me."



"Okay, then... I looked it up a while back... We can't buy tha' much at once... So's we'll each have ta buy some... 'n go ta a few stores... 'n maybe spread it out over a couple a days... 'n hope we don't get stopped when we head back inta Utah... Least-wise we sure as hell won't fit the profile fer bein' stopped... 'N it'll be easier when it's legal so's much closer ta home in Nevada... 'Course.. it'll still be a risk... but..."

"But... Wouldn' it be a whole lot cheaper...'n easier... if'n we grew it ourselves...?  In the basement maybe... With some grow lights..."

"No doubt.  Over time anyways... 'N... we can buy us some seeds in Colorado too... Technical-like it's legal fer folks from outta state ta buy seeds... But if'n the folks at the store think yer gonna take 'em acrost state lines they're s'posed ta ask ya ta leave... But I'd bet most won't... 'N if'n we're havin' trouble buyin' seeds we can always get someone who lives there ta buy 'em fer us... 'N... I should look up the Utah laws... see if'n it's a lot worse ta be growin' a few plants than it is ta just have some pot in yer possession fer personal use..."

"Shoulda knowed ya'd eventual-like lead me inta a life a crime."

"Yep.  We'll be a couple a real desperadoes."

"Think I'm gettin' too old ta be a desperado."

"Think I'm gonna put us on another song..."

"'S gettin' late... 'n I'm tired, Hank... Ya wore me the hell out."

"Just one song... 'N we'll just let it lull us ta sleep... Here..."


"Lull us ta sleep, huh...?"



"Shhhhhhhhh... I'm sleepin'..."

"So's... D'ya think they'll let us share a cell, Hank...?"

"We're married.  So's they oughta.  If'n they don't we'll sue their asses."

"Love yer dumb ass, Hank."

"N I'm gonna love seein' yer high-as-a-kite ass, Ed."

"Goodnight, dumbass."

"Goodnight, Ed."

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