I just come to tell you 'some' things! Well.... where i need to start. ummm.... (Sorry my sweet HUN friends, but i'm tooo lazy right now to write everything in hungarian too. *blushes*)
#1 My day: Well. I couldn't sleep any time. Just 'cause--> Firstly i wasn't tired. And in the last days (from friday til now) i slept a lot. No! I slept soooo long.
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Comments 24
#1 Your tree is so cute and adorable!
#2 Your poem is... beautiful and I just love it!
#3 You are damn good with scrap books. I just checked all in your gallery and I can say that is adorable! I love it on the same way I love this at home ;) (I'm at work now)
#4 Yeeeee! After 20 days traveling it finally arrived! But I guess its normal because around Christmas post services probably are crowded! I'm so happy that you like it... I wanted to be something gentle and cute and in same time to be for charity because every coin for that card goes to Bulgarian red cross! So I'm really glad you like it!
Hugs you tight!
Love you honey!
'You are damn good with scrapbooks.' <-- *blushes* I just give the best of myself to the creating.
Yeah! Xmas is the days when all posts are really and totally busy in every country. But i'm not sad. I understand why my cards need more time to arrive as in other times. But only the end is important. When you get the card. ;)
*hugs back tight*
I love you too!
2. Sajnálom mamádat :( De milyen érdekes, hogy pont ezen a napon született!:O Az én anyukámnak meg ma van a névnapja, Évike :)
3. Jaj nagyon aranyos lett a vers! :D Szerintem én képtelen lennék egy ilyen normálisra :D Lehet az újévre is kapsz majd valami perverzet, oké? Hagy szárnyaljon a fantázia :D
4. Annyira jó lett ez az album!! :O Irigyellek hogy ilyesmi eszedbe jutott, fantasztikus! *_* Kár hogy a feliratokból semmit nem látok, de nagyon jól összeválogattad a képeket :D Szuper! Köszönöm szépen, hogy megosztottad velünk :)
5. BOLDOG KARÁCSONYT!!! :D És sok puszikát küldök, légy rossz! ;)
Excellent work :D
*blushes* Excellent? It's maybe too strong. I just did it from my heart nothin' more. But thank youuuuu! You send me lovely comments every time. *loves youuuu*
lol This icon is really funny. *smile*
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