(no subject)

Jun 23, 2005 09:43

Stole this from Julia bc im bored and at work!!

:: Tell the truth::
What have you done.... BE

smoked a cigarette - no

smoked a cigar - no

made out with a member of the same sex -yes

crashed a friend's car - no

stolen a car - no

been in love - yes

been dumped -yes

shoplifted - dont think so

been fired - no, but have tried to get fired...

been in a fist fight - no

snuck out of my parent's house- no

had feelings for someone who didnt have them back- yes

been arrested - no

made out with a stranger- no

gone on a blind date- no

lied to a friend - yes

had a crush on a teacher- no, sorry that just wrong.. they are how much older then us..

skipped school - kinda, not a whole day but a couple of classes... tons my senior year..bc i didnt have to go to them for any reason so i either went home or to barkers room..

slept with a co-worker - no

seen someone die - no

been on a plane - yep, many times and have taken tons of ppl on planes with my for their first times.

thrown up in a bar - no

taken painkillers - yes, damn wisdom teeth

love someone or miss someone right now - yes

laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by - I LOVE TO DO THAT!!

made a snow angel- yes, and i still do!!

played dress up - yes, i used to have my own closet of dress-up clothes

cheated while playing a game -yes, only with my little brother

been lonely- yes, all the time!!

fallen asleep at work/school - at school many times, at work never.. my boss is always the one who falls asleep and makes me work..

used a fake id - no

felt an earthquake-no

touched a snake - yes, in elem. school when they brought in this really big snake... maybe thats why i hate them

run a red light - yea but have never gotten in trouble for it!! but its not like it has been that many times.

been suspended from school - no

had detention - yep, stupid teachers hated me....

been in a car accident - yea but didnt get hurt... one when my mom was driving and i was little and one when i was driving (both of us were driving the same car.. now wonder its so beat up)

hated the way you look - yes

witnessed a crime - kinda, i dunno if you could consider it a crime, but it ended up in me getting threated to be killed and the poilce going after a guy.. and i was only about 10 or 11.

pole danced - no comment

questioned your heart -yes

been lost - yes, all the time when im driving to new places... stupid DC....

been to the opposite side of the country - no, never left the east coast

felt like dying - kinda but more wished i was in a different place/area

cried yourself to sleep - yes

played cops and robbers - i dont remember, but i think so

sung karaoke - yes, when i was little

done something you told yourself you wouldn't - yes

laughed till some kind of beverage came out of your nose - no thank god, but laughed till i alomst peed myself

caught a snowflake on your tongue - yes

kissed in the rain - no, but that would be hot

sang in the shower - no

made love in a park - no

had a dream that you married someone - yes

glued your hand to something - no

got your tongue stuck to a flag pole - no but when i was little i would try to get my tongue stuck to the inside of the freezer door.

worn the opposite sex's clothes - yep

been a cheerleader - if i am ever a cheerleader someone kill me please!!!!

been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on - well not really pushed... more of picked up and thrown in the pool in all of my clothes and had to go back to work in a couple of hours... THANKS JUSTIN!!!

been told you're hot by a complete stranger - i dont think so

broken a bone - no

been easily amused - omg all the time!!

laughed so hard you cried - yes

cried so hard you laughed - yes

mooned/flashed someone - probably not.. i dont remember

cheated on a test -yes, how do u think i passed latin for 3 years.

forgotten someone's name - nope

slept naked - yes

gone skinny dipping in a pool - no

been kicked out of your house - been threated to be kicked out of my house

played a prank on someone - i think so but i dont remember

gone to a latenight movie- nope

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