I was getting bored like i always do so i went on a fan fiction site. i found a person who goes by the name "FishySticks" and writes articles about stereo types. I read their articles and i found them very interesting. I found them so interesting infact that i decided to post them on here. Please read them and comment. thankies.
Cheer Up, Emo Kid
Thanks for the reviews, everyone, and for sharing your own views on the whole controversy. I like hearing what you guys have to say about it. - Fishy
::takes a deep breath:: Hmm..emo. Yet another label I shall tackle in this little collection of papers I decided to write. Emo, if you don't know, is short for 'emotional' and usually describes very emotional people. Well, that makes sense. ::shrugs:: No big deal. It's not like it's becoming a huge debate, right? Well, I'm starting to think 'wrong'.
I was flipping through; I think it was YM magazine. Yes, I was. I'm not going to make up an excuse to save my reputation. I was looking through YM magazine when I saw an article on "how to be emo". Right when I glanced at these words and started gagging on the soda I was drinking and my friend had to clap me on the back to make me stop. That's right, ladies and men folk an article on "how to be emo". I released an exasperated sigh and decided to dive into the article. It seems that to become emo, one should wear "dorky" clothes. This includes "geeky glasses", "studded belts & bracelets", "too-small sweaters", "dark denim jeans" and a backpack?!
..Please pardon me while I laugh hysterically. Then I also read a little blurb that annoyed me. In that small section they basically claimed that all "emo" kids are computer geeks. Uhhh...since when does being emotional mean you can format a hard drive? Again, I laugh. My best friend admits to being emo. But not in this manner.
This gets me started on another point of the stereotypical emo kid.
Rumor #1: "Emo kids cry all the time."
Two words: BULL. SHIT. Here is where I laugh again. I've known my friend to randomly break down and start sobbing over something that happened a week ago. But not every five minutes. More like three times a year.
Rumor #2: "Emo kids are wimps and can't stick up for themselves."
::bursts out laughing:: Okay. This, too, is obviously something some dickhead made up. My friend doesn't take shit from people. She enjoys being herself and encourages others to do the same. Before I met her my self -esteem was six feet under. Now I'm not afraid to do stupid shit in front of people.
But. Yes, there's a but. Most of the emo people that I know, and I know a few, don't seem to be able to do some things. But so far the only thing I've seen that is difficult for them is to break up with a boyfriend or girlfriend. But that's all I've noticed.
Then there's the whole "emo music" thing. I won't go into a very detailed lecture, but I don't understand how just one genre can be called emo. Let me explain. Emo means emotion, right? Right. Well, doesn't ALL music have emotion? I don't know about you but I've never heard a song about photosynthesis or dirt. Music has emotion. So why isn't all music called "emo music"? Just think about that for a second.
Thanks for your time.
Peace, Love & Cancersticks,
Fishy, Da Fishstick Queen
Whadda Bunch'a Sellouts..
"It's really too bad that rancid sold out to MTV and the kelly ossborn and good charlet emo fag group. when i saw that video i wanted to puke, instead i through away everything RANCID. Operation Ivy is a sick ass band, @#%$! RANCID!!!!!!!!!!" - Quote from an Operation Ivy/Rancid fansite guestbook.
Apart from the blindingly horrible spelling and punctuation mistakes in this passage I think we can see what this simpleton was trying to say:
"Do not listen to me. I am an idiot. Please kill me. I am not worthy enough to live."
::sigh:: This whole "sell-out" event has attached itself to my brain and has rattled it until I decided that I would write this essay. Sellout is a term used to describe a singer or a band that is only in the music business for the money, not the music. But it seems that sell-out has come to mean "you have a music video on T.V...you suck." Uhh.'kay. I've noticed that people have become incredibly obsessed with being very underground. They will refuse to like mainstream music and search the internet for unknown local bands and force themselves to like their music. Then when the band becomes even a tad well-known, the person gives up on the band and moves on to the next one. I don't understand why people can't just like a band's music and say it proud. If the band's sound changes or the person no longer likes them, then, GOD DAMMIT, let it rest in peace. People do not care if you used to like Blink 182 and start listing a billion reasons why they aren't a good band. They will think that you cannot accept different concepts and call you a conceited jackasses.
Now moving back to the Rancid ordeal...
Rancid. One of the most power punk bands in this generation. They also have seven music videos and six albums. I read reviews to these albums and watch as people make complete asses of themselves.
::buries face in her hands and sighs:: Good Lord. Don't people like bands for their MUSIC anymore?! Isn't that what this whole thing's about?! Everything was dandy before the video came out and then people started calling them sell-outs JUST BECAUSE they showed Benji Madden in it?! The video "Fall Back Down" shows that even in bad times (like Tim's divorce from his wife) your real friends will always be there for you at the end of the day and they'll help you through it. THAT'S what it's all about.
Benji Madden of Good Charlotte is indeed friends with the boys of Rancid and that therefore gives him the right to be in the video regardless of what type of music he plays. Now, I'm not a fan of Good Charlotte, I don't like them or their music. But he has a right to be respected. So get the fuck over it. To all those ex-fans:
Rancid had a cameo of Kelly Osbourne and Benji Madden in their 'Fall Back Down' video. Woo.
Now, I can understand if they're mad about Indestrucible, as it DOES sound different from the other albums. But if you don't like the fuckin' CD then put it back in its case, put it down and let it go. Just LEEEEETTTTT ITTTTT GOOO! If someone asks you about it then calmly say, "I didn't really like their new album, but I liked their older stuff." There. Situation handled. Wasn't that easy?
Note: To those people who reviewed to my punk essay and told me that punk is a word meaning a prostitute or sexual partner to an old man. I KNOW. Words can have different meanings, people.
'Nother Note: To ILoveSk8terBoiz: You've sent me several reviews making fun of my nickname, "Fish". My friends call my Fish because of my gigantic dislike of seafood. Not because I'm obsessed with the ocean. So next time you go to your grandma's house ask her to teach you some more comebacks. Have a nice day.
© Copyright 2004 They Call Me Fishsticks (FictionPress ID:220682). All rights reserved. Distribution of any kind is prohibited without the written consent of They Call Me Fishsticks.
To Be Punk or Not To Be Punk?
You know, I was talking to my friend on the phone about this topic the other day. We always get into heated conversations when it comes to this. People always get touchy about this subject, especially younger teenagers who enjoy rock/pop bands. I see nothing wrong with liking this type of music. It's very upbeat and at times I enjoy it myself. Now I'm not some pre teen girl who obsesses over and idolizes Benji from Good Charlotte. I like all kinds of different music. Oldies. Punk Rock. Metal. Hard Rock. 80's Music. I pretty much like a little bit of everything. I even like an opera song or two. Some brainwashed youth may think 'What?! You can't like a little bit of EVERYTHING! That's impossible! You must be a poser!'. Uhh..hello? I can like any kind of music I want. Welcome to America, asshole.
I watch Fuse occasionally. If you don't know what that is, it's a music network. It's sort of like Music Television (a.k.a. MTV) except that Fuse actually plays music! There's a show on Fuse called Dedicate Live where people go online to the Fuse website and can send a message to a friend. This message will pop up during the music video of their choice. Several times I've seen messages like:
TO: preps
FROM: punks
::sigh:: Punk. That simple little word that gets so many people angry. Punk. Another word for social outcast. Punk is such a touchy issue now. Some people say it's someone who's anti-government or anti-war. Some say it's someone who's had a hard life or a ghetto. Others say it's someone who just likes punk rock, which in many ways I agree with. Sometimes I think that punk doesn't even have a real definition anymore, since so many people see it from different perspectives. But like I said in the beginning of this paper I said I was discussing with my best friend over the phone and we agreed on a definition of what we think punk is.
We think that it's someone who doesn't agree with society. They don't want to be what the media, fashion magazines, the government and popular TV shows want them to be. But they don't want to complain about it verbally, like most people do now might I add, they express it through their appearance. That's how this whole thing got started. Even punk rock. (People wanted their music to sound different than the pop trash that was played constantly.) A group of people said, 'Man, I don't want to be like them, I wanna be different.' So they started doing the exact opposite of what the fashion cults told them to. The wore leather jackets, got Mohawks, getting pierced and tattooed, wearing big boots and such. Things that are out of the ordinary.
But just because they don't dress in this manner doesn't mean they aren't punk. It seems that in today's world, a person could love everything about punk. They could love the Buzzcocks, the Ramones or Rancid or whoever. But if they don't have colored hair or a nose ring then it seems that they're automatically posers.
Ugh. Poser. Poser is supposedly someone who dresses "punk" and runs around claiming they know everything about the genre/culture when in reality they don't. Most people I know agree with me when I say that I think the only real posers in the world are the ones who claim that others are indeed posers. Those people that actually care about what other people wear and what bands they listen to. Those people that jump in front of you at school in the hallway and yell at you because you're wearing an A.F.I tee shirt and scream in your face, 'I BET YOU HAVEN'T EVEN HEARD THEIR OLD STUFF!!' As if it actually mattered.
Once time I was sitting in Art class. I went over to gets something of mine off of the drying rack and out of the corner of my eye I noticed a guy named Nick going through my CD case. I didn't care. I mean, people always did that. When I came back he was still going through them. He came upon Rancid's new album, which I love by the way, and he made a gagging noise and said: 'Holy shit! How can you listen to this?! This CD sucks! It's nothing like the old Rancid! They're sellouts now! They have a music video on Fuse!' Excuse me, but...how the hell did they change?! How the hell did they become sellouts? What? Because they made a music video? A lot of great metal bands such as Mushroomhead and Mudvayne have made music videos but no one questions them! And then there's the term 'they changed'. How'd they change? Did they get a new member in the band? Doubt it. If a band makes an album and then make another one, do you want it to sound EXACTLY like the one prior to it? No! Then why complain? Oh! They're sound changed! Well, DU- UH! A band isn't going to stay the same throughout their entire carreer!
::sigh:: Well.I think I've said all I can now. Please review.
- Fishstix
© Copyright 2003 They Call Me Fishsticks (FictionPress ID:220682). All rights reserved. Distribution of any kind is prohibited without the written consent of They Call Me Fishsticks.
Like, Oh My God!
Thank you so much for all the reviews! I'm thinking about starting a column. But I don't know, but keep lookin' for it. Keep reviewin'! It makes me feel all squishy inside...or maybe that's just the leftovers I had for dinner..OH WELL! - Fishy
::sighs and rubs hands together:: Hmph. Prep. Probably the most misunderstood of the modern labels. It's also probably the most hated. Now, I'm sure everyone here knows that one air-head bimbo or jerk. They could a co-worker, a fellow student or a friend of a friend. But we all know one. We all know how we'd just like to punch them right in the jaw too. That idiot we all know and hate is what we here in my world would like to call a first class PREP. That's right. PREP. Those dirty blonde headed, 'like' saying, 'oh my god' screaming, Britney-loving preps. Preps and jocks are probably the oldest labels out there. The term 'prep' and 'jock' is the Creator being of all the other labels known to the modern human being. It's amazing, isn't it? I bet you've never thought of that before.
This label doesn't really need much explaining. But there's a theory I have. I think that there are different "levels" of prep. Yes, different levels. Let me explain:
Pure Prep - There aren't a lot of these left ever since Avril Lavigne started taking over the music scene. These are the type of prep I talked about earlier. The kind of prep we all grew up with. You know, the people that teachers all liked, the ones with the loopy handwriting that everyone else envied and group of people that already had boyfriends and girlfriends even though they were only in 4th grade.
Prep - These specimens take up about 95% of the student body in most schools. Preps are just the popular people. But the difference between Preps and Pure Preps is that Preps admit that they preppy. (Woo! I've said prep about 20 times already.) They don't go around diving into people's scenes. They tend to stay in their own little Carson Daly loving world.
Jock - Jock is simply a male version of the Prep or Pure Prep. They usually enjoy picking on people, football, girls, and being perverted. Jocks have a system of attracting people to them. That system is their overwhelming muscles that only seem to have effect on their own kind. Preps, too, have a system, which are usually their unnaturally large boobs or incredibly slutty clothes.
Sidekick - Sidekick's are usually the most snobbish of the Preps. They are usually the so-called "best friend" to the leader of a prep clique or pack. Little do they know that they will soon be dumped by the leader bitch and dropped down to the bottom rung of the social ladder.
Moderate/Blend-In - These people are the ones that most of tend to not notice. Blend-Ins form most of a prep clique and can be any gender. The lead prep usually dumps the Blend Ins every so often and gets new ones. Yessiree. The life of a Blend In must suck.
Non-Prep - Nons are typically mistaken for Preps because of the way they dress. The non-preps I know are not into pop music or rap for that matter and are more into the alternative rock groups or in metal and hard rock.
Well, I think that about wraps of the whole Prep thing. Tell me what you think.
Peace, Love & Cancersticks,
© Copyright 2003 They Call Me Fishsticks (FictionPress ID:220682). All rights reserved. Distribution of any kind is prohibited without the written consent of They Call Me Fishsticks.
if you would like to read their other articles....here is the link: