In this post I link a bunch of videos from canon past and canon present, mostly on what Wesker does/can do with the abilities he has. And lols from "speed and power" to "ROCKET THROWIN."
"Death": Well this is the first place to start. In both
the original game with the best dub ever (skip to 2:45) and the
REmake version.
Rebirth: Wesker is killed by the Tyrant, after being given an experimental virus by Birkin. This virus is what revives him and what gives him his powers.
Haunt Your Dear Brother: His first run-in, in which we first see his new speed/powers/eyes, as he beats the hell out of Claire. :Db
Long Time No See, Chris: Some ass-kicking for the brother now.
Versus Alexia: Wall running? Go go Wesker.
Versus Chris
Part 1 /
Part 2: Steel pipes cannot defeat me! Or fire.
Versus Chris and Jill: Windows ... CAN defeat me?
Right To Be A God: Chest punches and killing old men.
Hangar Battle: Glasses throwing, ROCKET throwing, and rocket CATCHING. Also fun crazy talk. I LOVED THIS BATTLE SO MUCH.
Plane Fight: COMPLETE. GLOBAL. SATURATION. Also oh Wesker you giant dick.
Mercenaries Attacks: Cobra Strike, Panther Fang, Jaguar Kick, Tiger Uppercut, Mustang Kick, Rhino Charge, Ghost Butterfly, Windfall, Grapple Breaker, Sweep Kick, Stab, Dash Attack, Knee Cannon (performed during a Dash). Not all of these are featured here but a few of them are.