(no subject)

Dec 09, 2005 16:13

Ground rules: The first player of this "game" starts with the topic "Five of My Weird Habits" and the people who get tagged need to then write a LJ entry about their five quirky little habits as well as state the rules of this game clearly. At the end, you need to list the five people you want to tag.

My Five Weird Habits:
hmm i dont know how weird these will be but i will try...
1. when im at a long red light i sing to it to turn green
2. i keep all my tickets stubs from movies and shows so i can look back at them and remember who i went with
3. i dry out and save all flowers i get from boyfriends.
4. i go to myspace everytime im on the computer even tho i know its blocked
5. i like to leave messages on people's cars

i tag...
and you
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