1. im going to manhattan, which means we'll be very close. and we can party and shop and get coffee like all the time 2. its a 15 min train ride into the GREATEST CITY IN THE WORLD 3. excellent internship opportunities/job opportunities 4. you'll be closer to ronnie.
lol ur so cute. i cant decide tho...i reallllllyyyyy want to go to fordham for many other reasons. except, other schools have better comm. programs. i dont know i dont know i dont know! so much stress :[
Comments 4
1. im going to manhattan, which means we'll be very close. and we can party and shop and get coffee like all the time
2. its a 15 min train ride into the GREATEST CITY IN THE WORLD
3. excellent internship opportunities/job opportunities
4. you'll be closer to ronnie.
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