First Kiss

Jul 26, 2011 09:08

Title: First Kiss
Pairing: Ryeowook x Yehsung
Genre: Fluff
Ratings: PG13
A/N: I just randomly write this because I spazzed hard on Yehsung's Teaser Pic. And no - I didn't forget about 5 drabbles - I just don't have the humor to write it yet.
Prompt Request by Anonymous in kinkyjunior

"Wookie - have you ever had your first kiss?"

It was a question that made Ryeowook blink - stop - and stare at Yehsung whose eyes were up the sky while they both seat at the bench they often hang on to. They are at a park in the middle of summer - kids were around running freely and there were moms and dads who were busy preparing the picnics they had brought on.

"Well? When was it?" It is Yehsung again and this time he had stop staring at the endless clouds and turn his full attention on the man being question. Catching the stunned face of Ryeowook - who doesn't know how to answer.

"I - i..." I couldn't say I haven't had it. Ryeowook wanted to say but the words were not spoken.

He is afraid to tell the truth to his seat mate at class - the one who always hangs out with him ever since he had transferred from the province - the only kid who does not even bother with his feature even when all the kids their age made fuss about how thin he looks - the boy who shares the same love for animals as he does no matter how weird.

He could not tell Yehsung - his now best friend - that no - he hasn't have his first kiss yet - because yes - he's saving it for the one he will love.

That would sound sappy. Just plain ridicule. Ryeowook thought.

And I'm a boy. It doesn't sound fitting at all to me. Ryeowook's shoulders almost fall as he stares back at Yehsung who seems to be waiting for his answer. There were shines on Yehsung's eyes and Ryeowook was withdrawn. He doesn't even realize he has forsaken himself. "I never had my first kiss..."

Yehsung lips curved into smile that not later turned into laughter - it echoes through the small park that withdrawn attention. Ryeowook felt everyone's eyes are on them - while Yehsung continues he's so annoying laugh. He felt himself turned red - both literally and figuratively. Damn! This is so embarrassing!

Ryeowook shoots daggers on Yehsung before he stomps away - intending to leave Yehsung behind and never talking to him again. Because even if no one heard their conversation - he felt like the whole world knows. How did he even fell for those eyes and tell the truth - Ryeowook didn't know. And hell he's cursing himself for that now.

"Ryeowook! Wait!" Those were Yehsung's voice again - and Ryeowook heard it after maybe three to four steps of his walking out. Ryeowook doesn't want to stop and he's furious so he keeps walking. It's not like Yehsung sounded sorry at all for laughing at him like that as well so Ryeowook doesn't feel guilty for ignoring the other guy.

But Yehsung walks so fast he was able to catch Ryeowook - his arms held the smaller man and stops him. Ryeowook wanted to struggle but knows it's no use so instead he throw Yehsung the best glare he can cast on an enemy - which wasn't hard at all considering Yehsung faces him still with that grinning smile on.

Ryeowook was about to shout at Yehsung and hit him for smiling like that at him but he was stopped as he felt soft lips on his own. Soft lips that were moving on his own lips - tasting him while letting him taste that oh-so-sweet one - making him feel relax - excited - weird all at once - and forgets everything around as he closes his eyes and let himself drown with the sensation.

The kiss may have lasted forever - but Ryeowook and Yehsung both needed air to breathe. They stopped and along the time they stared at each other Ryeowook's eyes widened in realization and he felt odd inside because it's as if there were butterflies in his stomach and at the same time he was shocked - shocked that he just had his first kiss - shocked that it was Yehsung who's lips first touched his - and shocked because he had like Yehsung but never thought he's gay for him.

"What was that for?" Ryeowook is in hysterics but he's oddly felt happy inside and meeting Yehsung's melting gaze isn't helping him.

Yehsung chaste one kiss after another before he answers him. "It's your first kiss." He says simply and the other boy doesn't know whether to get mad or feel happy because it also sounded romantic in his ears.

"You kissed me only to have my first kissed?" Ryeowook asked.

In which Yehsung answers with that so annoying laugh (Ryeowook doesn't want to acknowledge how melodic it sounded). "Of course not Wookie~" He says - grin plaster in his face.

"Then why?" Ryeowook is confused. "You laughed at me for not having any experience in kissing before - then you go and chaste me only to claim that rank - don't go playing with me!"

"Who says I'm playing with you?" Yehsung asked - his eyes shining like the stars and Ryeowook was utterly lost again. With him those eyes were like magic - hypnotizing - falling under whatever Yehsung's command is. They were like the equivalent of kryptonite on him as it was on Super Man.

"I like you." Yehsung suddenly confessed. Ryeowook's knee weakens and he's shaking but Yehsung was there to support him. His small hands snakes around Ryeowook's waist. "I don't believe in love at first sight but if there is such thing then it might have been what I felt for you the first time. I like your face, your voice, your smiles, your humor - I like all of you. I cannot say I love you yet but I really really like you. And when I asked about your first kiss it was very random but I'd really like to know so suddenly and when you said - " Yehsung stops - and stares intently on Ryeowook who met his stares. "when you said you have not had your first kiss yet - I just have this urge to kiss you but I'm so happy I cannot stop myself from laughing and then you ran and I wanted to chaste you more than anything else - so yeah - I kissed you. And I'm sorry if you didn't like it but you did like it so don't go denying yourself. You liked it."

"Oh! Yesung!" Is the only thing Ryeowook can say. He jumps on the other man and this time he was the one who claim his lips. Screw his zero knowledge with kissing. The kiss is enchanting and it's beautiful and longer his first kiss.

When they finished - Yehsung looks at him sheepishly. "If it makes you feel any better - you are also my first kiss."

*ryeowook, *oneshots

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