i like this guy. we where great friends till he found out that i liked him. now he won't talk to me. i want to talk to him just not in front of his friends. help!
everyone knows justin hates you, and he told everyone, he hates you, you are 11 and are a 6 grader. you need to get over him, and stop writing people e-mails about him, cause its gay. and you are a dumbass, little girl
what is your problemmyhorsekicksJanuary 19 2004, 16:54:50 UTC
i am not riting e-mails about him. i can't help who i like. who cares if he hates me. i don't why do you? stop saying that i am a dumbass too. i don't like it. you wouldn't eather. can you help who you like, i would be surprised if you could! i know who you are. and you know what i don't like you at all you can stop sending me e-mails.
You know what? FUCK YOU. Steve should know what the hell he is talking about before he writes it. And you shouldn't be a little bitch and hide behind an anonymous name-tag.
it is my desition if i want to be anonymous or not don't call me a bitch eather i know that you don't like being a bitch or being called one! BACK OFF!
i don't hate anyonejustin3January 26 2004, 09:27:24 UTC
hey i don't hate you people just like to talk shit. but i don't like you in the way you want me to, i think your a nice girl and i have fun talking to you but your just not my type sorry. don't listen to anybody and if you have something to say to me just come and say it. i don't hate you
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