wow jenny i really thought you were better than this. here you have one of your friends die...of drugs, not even a week ago, and you're still poppin' 'em like it's some sort of game or something. i'm really fed up with everyone just thinking that it's something you can fuck around with, and you of all people i would have thought would be better than this, and i'm not gonna sit around and not say anything because look where it got a coffin. so congratulations jenny you're on the path to being just like him...dead.
hey, i appreciate your concern.....but when was the last time i cared whether i was dead or not? hmm....quite a while back i'd yea..i'll play with death at my own discretion..and i do them all the time...and it's not even a deadly amount...say if i took like 2-3 trays..that'd be something to be worried about...but i do see what you're saying....cya tuesday.
I know how you feel sometimes I think just about everyone goes through a time where they aren't concerned about there own life. But just think of all the good things and the good people who care about you. It makes it all worth living. You're a good person and you know that. I think that things will be good for you. Its all about karma. I love you Jenny! kisses! ~ LiZ
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