After a long time of he internet being on and off, and just plain not working, they actually had ethernet installed! WOW! The whole biulding was done in 2 days, and they gave us ethernet cords to boot. Sweet.
Now for a grossly overdue update!
The following are pictures on my way to the station or 'eki' every day.
Further down the road
Turn the corner...
This is the 'main road' where all the little stores are in the town.
Further down the main road
Typical light post on the main road, I don't know why the decorations are there, they have been there since I arrived. They look cool though :D
further down the main road...
Typical vending machines in Japan, seriously cool because they dispense both cold AND hot drinks. There is nothing better than instant hot tea when it's cold out!!
The blue despenses cold, the red dispenses hot. (bottles or cans)
Lawson's, A convinience store chain in Japan, more commomly called 'conbini' 24 hour provider of snack foods, 'bento' meals, and typical convivnience store fare. Though Japanese 'conbini' are cool, because if you buy food there they heat it up for you so you can eat it right away!!
And just a little ways down the road from there...
Is PanDoll!!!! The best bread store ever!!! Japanese bread is so fresh and soooo good. I usually get a chocolate chip melon 'pan' (bread) from there every morning. I'll take a picture of one the next time I get one.
Past there is the station, which I am approaching in this photo.
Look Right!
Look left! (There's where I get on the train!)
The entry way
This is the station where I start my commute everyday. Apparently I am incapable of making normal faces in pictures.
View of the entry from the platform
Snoopy cereal, what all the cool kids eat for breakfast :)
Ok, thats half my daily commute. I will make mini updates to catch up on all the things I have to update on! I will do another tommorow night. Sorry for not updating, but between my busy schedual, the shitty internet, and all that, it's been hard. Things should be easier now!!
More to come! Stay tuned...