Player Information
Name: Aeris
Age: 19
AIM SN: anikidono
Have you played in an LJ based game before? yes
Bonus: How did you hear about Siren's Pull? From
countervalue mostly I think
Character Information
Canon Source: Wild Adapter
Canon Format: Manga
Character's Name: Minoru Tokito
Character's Age: ~19/20/21
What form will your character's NV take?
A blackberry type device
Character's Canon Abilities: Due to presumed human experimentation and drugs and stuff, Tokito's right hand is covered in fur, resembles that of a beast's, and has super strength.
Conditional: If your character has no superhuman canon abilities, what dormant ability will you give them? WINGS
Weapons: His... hand?
Character History:
If we begin from the very, very beginning, we begin at some point in time between February of 1977 and 1978, when a young boy is born to the Ushio family and is given the name Minoru. If we begin from a little later, but still from the very beginning, we begin as a bus slides off a mountain road and tumbles down a cliff before it bursts into flames leaving 10 dead and one boy unaccounted for. And if we begin from even a little later, perhaps we can talk about a boy and a man called Akira-san and too many needles.
But, let us begin in May 1995, when we find a young man running through the streets of Yokohama, his right hand far from anything human, before finally collapsing in an alleyway. Said young man wakes up in one Makoto Kubota's bed with no memory of who he was, where he had been, why his hand resembled that of a beasts, and generally without pants. All he remembered was that he had to run.
Several smashed controllers, lots of visits from the boy next door, and a broken arm later, the stray cat was tamed with a name - Tokito. Divinely inspired, and mostly because he had to be called something and it wouldn't do if he broke an arm for every time someone called him by the letters printed on the rusted name tag he had come with.
Around three months after Tokito had been picked up by Kubota, Kubota found him flipping through the files that Kasai, his detective uncle, had given him on W.A. Wild Adapter - a drug that turned humans beastlike, both in mind and, more appearance, just like Tokito's hand...before they died. And so began a new chapter in their relationship, the struggle to find who he was, and why.
Tokito's life took on one that could be expected from living with Kubo-chan. He stayed at home most of the time, asking for ice cream that had looked good on TV, tearing through Kubota's extensive game collection, sending his apartment-mate for cheese flavoured Caloriemates at all hours of the night... Going out to eat or to the arcade with Kubota, visits to the quack doctor - his veterinarian - Kou, and sometimes, when the occasion came up, to the sites of the remains of the newest W.A. victims. Living freely while living with the hand of a beast.
Their search has produced nothing but several false leads so far, although it has earned them some allies. There's Kou, the unlicensed doctor who runs a shop in Chinatown that Kubota's known for some time and runs jobs for. Kasai, one of the corrupt detectives that Japan can be so proud of and who also happened to have been the brother of Kubota's mother...and therefore his uncle. Takizawa, a freelance reporter they met while investigating a lead...and the one who Tokito has no choice but to turn to when Kubota pushes Tokito away to protect him as he gets taken in for a crime he didn't commit.
Point in Canon: And this is where he's pulled from canon, Volume 4, Chapter 21, while Kubota's in police custody and he's on Takki's doorstep.
Conditional: Brief summary of previous RP history:
But things go a bit further for Tokito. He dozes off while he waits, and finds himself
waking up in a strange place - namely, the dream world of Somarium. He gets off to a rough start, no thanks to certain people, but eventually settles down in an apartment by himself. Yeah, by himself. No Kubo-chan, really sucked.
An outline of events:
- given that dreams are recorded and he has a tendency to dream about the past he can't remember, Tokito gets a hint about his past life and a supressed memory of the man who calls him Minoru
- Somarium dumps everyone into a warehouse that has evil rats. Three things happen:
i) he runs into a firey mage girl and they get overwhelmed by the rats before one of the two people who totally could've made his arrival better come and save them anddddd he spends the night sulking
ii) he runs into a jerk who pulls swords out of hammerspace and Tokito gets intimiately acquainted with the pointy end of said sword - however, due to event constraints, he doesn't die!
iii) he also bumps into
two people who really piss him off =|
KUBOTA ARRIVES and life is good. Tokito starts to relax and is a lot less snappy. This doesn't apply to said people who piss him off though.
- He falls into a sleep coma and wakes up just in time to see the city turned into a prehistoric jungle complete with dinosaurs. Stuff happens, he gets
eaten by a dinosaur.- Except, thanks to the world, he revives! Blind, for a week, but alive.
- And then the world throws them into an
AU where Tokito thinks he's lived in Somarium forever, complete with a family of mostly NPCs. Said family also includes a brother who Tokito gets to know after the week as well. During this week, he forgets about Kubota.
- And then he briefly
grows wings. He also loses the beast-like characteristics of his right hand, which throws him off.
- And then he
gets a dog.
- Over the course of his stay in Somarium, he made a friend, and several acquaintances with whom he clashed... because this is Tokito after all, but he got to know a lot more people than he had a chance to know in canon, and began to have more of a "self" rather than having "nothing" but Kubochan. Overall, spent ~8 months in Somarium
- Andddd then he gets sucked in by the Pull.
Character Personality:
Let's just get this out of the way first: Kubochan is his.
Tokito is often referred to as a cat by others, although his now longtime association with Kubota has turned him from a stray into a house-trained one who is fiercely protective of Kubota. However, unlike Kubota who, to a degree, is completely and totally possessive of Tokito, Tokito's world extends beyond the edges of the other man. Sort of.
But back to Kubota first. What Tokito wants, more than anything, is to be something to Kubochan. He wants to know about Kubochan, he wants to be with Kubochan, he hates it when Kubochan doesn't tell him things, doesn't seem to trust him with things, he doesn't like it when there's others around Kubochan - see? like a cat. As he puts it - "Kubochan belongs to Kubochan. But... Everything that belongs to Kubochan also belongs to me."
(However, both in canon and in previous game development, this changes slightly, as Tokito's world does grow, and will be covered below.)
Although he was once a stray cat who was wary of everyone - adults, really - and who struck out at everything, Tokito slowly began to trust first Kubota, and has slowly begun to let his guard down around people. He lives life as he understands it, limited by his past and his identity - or lack thereof. He's brash and honest ("Sorry, his mouth can only speak the truth") and sulks when he's upset and lashes out when he's angry. He's loud and stubborn, rude and uncouth.
Underneath that, though, Tokito is, above all, kind. There's nothing in him that wants to harm, that wants to hurt and everything that wants to know, that wants to help, that wants to protect. He lashes out at others, yes, but not without reason (okay, being pissed off is totally a reason). He stops Kubota from killing without reason if it can be helped, and he doesn't like it when people are killed for his sake. In many ways, he's a child who's learning about the unfairness of this world while being mired in it from the very beginning, a child who hasn't learned to hate it despite being hurt by it.
Tokito is curious about the world around him, aware as he is that he knows far less about it than people seem to expect. While at one point, he may have been afraid to venture beyond the familiar when almost everything was unfamiliar, Tokito is slowly developing a desire to change this. At the canon point, this was only just becoming evident (in volume 4, when Kubota is taken away from him, Tokito realises quite abruptly that without Kubota he has nothing), but this sense of a want for independence was developed during his stay in Somarium as well as at a later canon point.
When it comes to the issue of his right, beast-like hand, Tokito sees it - and therefore Wild Adapter - as the key to finding exactly who he is. It's gross, and disgusting, and if he sawed it off he could live a normal life - but to do so would be giving up on finding who he was. Besides, it's kinda useful sometimes and Kubo-chan would probably get mad if he started sawing things off.
Conditional: Personality development in previous game:
The biggest personality development seen from his previous game is that in many ways, Tokito 'grew up'. Having lived in Somarium by himself for around three months before the arrival of Kubota, he developed a certain sense of independence - like a child first leaving its guardian's care. He met people, interacted with people, and (partially through the contrivances of the world) made a friend his own age. This has given him a greater sense of independence than he once had.
A similar development is displayed in volume 6/7 or so in the series itself - as Tokito branches out beyond his usual activities, and Kasai comments that it's like Tokito is 'rebelling against his guardian.' While in this case, Tokito grew out of a sense of necessity, this doesn't change that it, in the end, stems from a desire to know more, perhaps to some degree realising that he can't always be only with Kubochan, even if everything that is Kubochan's is his as well.
Character Plans:
Let's kick some monster ass >3
Um, that aside, I'm looking to play character development as usual, but playing more in the over-arching plot if possible.
Image here! For reference, if that glove were to ever come off, his hand looks
like this.
Writing Samples
First Person Sample
[There is a Tokito on the screen, looking somewhat sullen, a little cold, and somewhat concerned.]
So... anyone seen a man around this tall, [he indicates a height a bit taller than him, never mind that the feed doesn't show his full height] glasses... [Tokito pauses, as he tries to figure out how exactly to describe the other man.]
...Anyways, if anyone's seen Kubocha-- Kubota, tell me!
[The video feed continues for a moment longer, as he stares at the screen, before it shuts off altogether.]
Third Person Sample
Tokito stumbles a little, despite finding his feet on solid ground. He straightens, fighting a sudden wave of nausea and head still ringing, as he takes a good look around him. His first instinct, like most, is one of panic - but it is an instinct soon smothered and put away in favour of sorting out what exactly had happened. He'd been out for groceries, and then...
"The hell...?" he mumbles aloud. It looks like a scarce-used baseball pitch - and it takes only another moment before his eyes pick out the sign which say 'welcome to Siren's Port.' "...You're kidding."
A feeling of some pressure begins to build inside, just behind his ribcage, slowly rising into the vicinity of his heart. A slow pause, another look around as his senses are on guard. "Kubochan?" he asks slowly to nowhere and nothing in particular. He takes a few steps in one direction, stops, glancing quickly behind him at some noise. He reaches into his pocket, freezing when his fingers meet nothing but the cloth that makes up the pocket itself. Almost franctically, he does the same with the rest of his pockets, cursing when they all come up equally empty. "Damn it, Kubochan... Where are you?" But even as he complains, there's the sense of dread that this is the same thing all over again and -
His eyes catch something on the ground, and he bends down to scoop the familiar phone-like device up, fingers automatically hitting the buttons - but no, this was different. Who the hell were these people? And...
- but no. He cuts that thought off before it goes anywhere.
"I won't know until I find out."