I haven't posted in awhile, but I am still here! Just really busy with my Old English class. I love it, but it's a lot of work.
1. My username is ____ because ____.
2. My journal is titled ____ because ____.
3. My subtitle is ____ because ____.
4. My friends page is called ____ because ____.
5. My default userpic is ____ because ____.
1. I didn't create an LJ account for the longest time, first because I was shy, second because I had to figure out a good name that was "me." Finally I settled on myladylyssa because a good and quite chilvarous female friend of mine always addresses me as "My Lady" (which, I must admit, I love) and because my Sheryl calls me "Lyssa" or "Lys" (which I also love, because she is the first to call me that.) Also, there is the essence and fantasy of the beautiful, wise, magical woman in the address, a reverence and an awe.
2. "Far across the crystal sea, I can hear all your whispered dreams" is a line from the song "Nimue's Lament" by Alkaemy. A German Internet acquaintance sent me this song. It reminds me of Frodo and Sam.
3. The line speaks of connection through distance, and I like to believe in creating and maintaining connections through time and space with those we love and with whom we created meaning.
4. This meme prompted me to name my friend's page. Since I am living and sleeping Anglo-Saxon lanuage and culture, I decided on leofe freondas , "beloved friends."
5. My default userpic is one of Waterhouse's women. I love his paintings and this woman looks a little like me, except with longer hair and a pretty, romantic dress. A fantasy vision of myself, I guess, or how I feel inside.
I had a wonderful and relaxing vacation, by the way. And no seasickness (thank you for your wishes!) The only problem was getting sick on the 4th day when I put on a new motion sickness patch. It must have been defective and delivered too much medicine, because I was nauesous and couldn't focus my eyes up close. I stuck to dramamine after that.
Here is a picture of me with a dolphin!