well i had to make new flyers for the show on halloween because the location of the party has been changed so yeah! here it is, thanx for your patients!
well i just got home from school, and i'm talking to shannon and aaron, and there is nothing to fucking do, man is my house so danm boring! but oh well. so what is every one else's day going? i hope better then mine, man is this boring, man i want to jerk off, later homies.....................
i just found this really old post from my od band's guest book
Name: fingersforpleasure Email: zionpnk@aol.com Date: Wed May 19 14:38:22 EDT 2004 fuck off you stupid mother fukcers... i love ass shut tha fuck up ori'll kick your ass bitch. Love, Philip
this is philip's gay ass before he joined the band! what a fuck face!