to those of you who even read this.

May 19, 2005 10:13

01. Reply with your name and I will write something about you ( Read more... )

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Comments 13

anonymous May 19 2005, 23:25:25 UTC


mylifestory13 May 19 2005, 23:41:41 UTC
02. night at the roxbury and that "gasolina" song haha
03. 9 p.m.
04. kanicky
05. hmmm i'd have to say the time when we went to the beach and climbed those rocks and all of my stuff fell and you crawled into the cave to rescue my cell phone.
06. a squirrel
07. how didn't i meet you sooner?


anonymous May 19 2005, 23:43:22 UTC


mylifestory13 May 21 2005, 04:25:12 UTC
01. your the bomb diggety.
02. song=touchdown turn around
03. 6 a.m.
04. nuney
05. oh man there are so many memorable moments. i would have to say that time me, you, and shannon went over my friends house and we proved that we have lives outside of our regular friend group.
06. kangaroo
07. i've always wondered about what took you so long to become my best friend. back in 7th grade talking to you was like pulling teeth.


driftedregrets May 20 2005, 01:21:52 UTC


mylifestory13 May 21 2005, 04:20:22 UTC
01. you are crazy little one.
02. swing, swing
03. 5 p.m.
04. rambunctious
05. we always have goofy memories but the best one is when i was beating girls up at the concert to get you to the front and when it came down to it, i was at the front and you ended up passing out.
06. chipmunk
07. do you have any types of illnesses because it seems like you are always hurt or sick


driftedregrets May 21 2005, 04:35:22 UTC
oh rosie you are a crazy one, you and raffy starting all that pushing at the concert. i do have bronchitis at this moment in time but nothing else that i know of.


subsided_sanity May 21 2005, 04:21:00 UTC
you know


mylifestory13 May 21 2005, 04:31:11 UTC
01. you my boy blue
02. american beauty
03. 3 a.m.
04. random
05. right now, the most memorable moment is when we had out of body experiences together in our freak car accident. other than that, we had a ton of crazy adventures. also that time we slept in the car in the blizzard.
06. a giraffe (because it reminds me of your name)
07. how are we still friends, i mean come on i'd be tired of me by now haha


marybopeepxo May 24 2005, 00:24:15 UTC
mary =)


mylifestory13 June 3 2005, 01:15:18 UTC
01. you crazy white girl
02. get over it (the whole kirsten dunst thing haha)
03. 1 p.m.
04. bi-polar (your scary when your mad but then youll be all smiles 2 seconds later)
05. that time you stuck up for me in cifuni's class. cifuni: ROSANNA ARE YOU DOING YOUR HOMEWORK RIGHT NOW! THAT IS NOT RIGHT AND THEN YOU EXPECT ME TO WRITE YOUR RECOMENDATIONS! you: why do you have to say things like that she didn't even ask you to write it. cifuni: IF YOU DON'T LIKE WHAT I SAY THEN LEAVE THE ROOM I CAN'T EVEN JOKE ANYMORE IN MY OWN CLASSROOM. you: ::walks out::
06. lamb
07. ive always wondered the crap goes on in your mind cause i can never predict what kind of mood you'll be in but then i just remind myself, it's just gas.


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