Title: The Long Road Home Summary: The O’Briens go back to Earth, but they left some things behind. Pairings: Miles/Keiko(/Kira-ish) There was a “fix-it” challenge for the DS9 tumblzine. I missed the deadline but I wrote a thing!
OMG. This is lovely. Miles and Keiko moving back to Earth always did strike a false note with me, and yet Keiko really did hate being stuck on DS9 most of the time. So Bajor is such an elegant solution. Only of course they'd have to try out San Francisco first, to be sure...
Love all the stuff with Yoshi and Molly and KIRA. <3 And Ezreeee. <3
It's lovely to see new DS9 stories being written! Keiko & Miles on Earth was something that really needed fixing, and it's nice to read something that keeps all the family together, rather than splitting them up to get Miles & Julian together. Particularly nice that Keiko is the mover here. Thank you!
Comments 3
Love all the stuff with Yoshi and Molly and KIRA. <3 And Ezreeee. <3
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