
Sep 14, 2004 13:01

gosh i feel so sick. when my sinuses are acting up my head feels so heavy that i think if i lean my head over,my skull will roll off of my neck and just plop on the ground. that's an idea of how i feel right now. and my throat is killing me ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

crystalbean03 September 14 2004, 14:16:51 UTC
hi! just wandered onto ur page and wanted to say hi :) i love ur lj hehe… hey r u on buddytrain at all? i’m tryin to grow my buddy network on it- it’s like friendster plus blogging and personality quizzes… if u check it out, could you add me as a buddy? my page is www.buddytrain.com/crystalbean =D anyway, it's really cool and it's getting so popular... u should invite ur friends! hehe well i love ur page!

take care,

~crystal <3


mymasscararan September 17 2004, 10:00:34 UTC
hey that sounds cool...i'll look into it and tell you if i get a username and all. and i could add you! thanks for telling me about it. do you use your lj at all or just buddytrain? cuz i'm adding your lj to my friends list!

<3 Melissa


italia_summoner September 14 2004, 15:07:43 UTC
sorry to hear you're sick. Allergies are a big bitch this time of year...everyone seems to be catching something. Hope you get better !


eurotrash_girl September 14 2004, 21:37:52 UTC

join the workforce mellisa, and then give me free meals and I'll just pay you the tip.

right right?


mymasscararan September 17 2004, 10:02:40 UTC
of course! i'm definitely all about free food!


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