(no subject)

Jul 01, 2005 23:38

brandysgtagun: so todd.
brandysgtagun: hows the weather lol?
XposersXsuck69X: lol sux
brandysgtagun: yeah its like mad hot here
brandysgtagun: i stay inside
XposersXsuck69X: yeah
brandysgtagun: so what do you do alday>?
brandysgtagun: AHHH
brandysgtagun: I LIED DONT TELL ME
brandysgtagun: lol brb
XposersXsuck69X: k
brandysgtagun: okay
brandysgtagun: now tell me
XposersXsuck69X: k
XposersXsuck69X: tell u waht?
brandysgtagun: what you do all day
XposersXsuck69X: u said nvm tho
brandysgtagun: lol
brandysgtagun: becuase i had to go downstairs mad quick
XposersXsuck69X: nuttin really sk8 and got into trouble
XposersXsuck69X: ohh
brandysgtagun: BAD TODD! NAUGHTY!
brandysgtagun: why are you getting into trouble?
XposersXsuck69X: its not my fault
brandysgtagun: what happen?
XposersXsuck69X: trouble with cops
brandysgtagun: todd!
XposersXsuck69X: what
brandysgtagun: cops?
brandysgtagun: COPS? lol.
XposersXsuck69X: yea cops
XposersXsuck69X: pigs
XposersXsuck69X: baconsniffers
brandysgtagun: lol
brandysgtagun: woOt.
XposersXsuck69X: dounut eaters
brandysgtagun: lol okay i got it!
brandysgtagun: what happened?
XposersXsuck69X: i was sk8in at a school and they came up and was like no sk8in or whatever and i was still sk8in
brandysgtagun: lol.
XposersXsuck69X: lol
XposersXsuck69X: it was fun
brandysgtagun: well thats not so bad
XposersXsuck69X: i ahd fun soo
brandysgtagun: todd i have a misquito bite and it itches so bad
XposersXsuck69X: then itch it
brandysgtagun: NO it itches more lol
XposersXsuck69X: im srry i cant help you there then
brandysgtagun: ahhhhh *dies*
brandysgtagun: *twitch*
brandysgtagun: so anyways
brandysgtagun: GAH!
brandysgtagun: i have like four
XposersXsuck69X: lol
brandysgtagun: effing bugs
brandysgtagun: ugh
brandysgtagun: whores
brandysgtagun: *kicks locker*
XposersXsuck69X: lol
XposersXsuck69X: i want to join kickin lockers
brandysgtagun: lol
brandysgtagun: woOt.
XposersXsuck69X: lol
brandysgtagun: *dances*
brandysgtagun: had anytime to dance?
XposersXsuck69X: dances
XposersXsuck69X: yea i jus did
brandysgtagun: lol only becuase i asked you if you had, and you ahvetn
XposersXsuck69X: actually i have had alittle time
brandysgtagun: woOt
XposersXsuck69X: yea
brandysgtagun: so like
brandysgtagun: when do you actually leave. for.. japan
XposersXsuck69X: august 4th
brandysgtagun: whoa buddy!
brandysgtagun: thats the day i moved here
XposersXsuck69X: ohh
brandysgtagun: thats weird
XposersXsuck69X: yeah it is
brandysgtagun: ill do a goodbye dance for you
brandysgtagun: on my roof
XposersXsuck69X: ok
brandysgtagun: maybe youll see me lol
brandysgtagun: what song should i dance to?
XposersXsuck69X: idk u can pick
brandysgtagun: how much time is there between the time differnece thing? do you know
XposersXsuck69X: while im over there?
brandysgtagun: like. yeah in japan. how big of a time difference?
XposersXsuck69X: 13 hrs
XposersXsuck69X: like todays frieday here right?
XposersXsuck69X: over there its saturday morning
brandysgtagun: whoa.
brandysgtagun: trippy
XposersXsuck69X: yea
XposersXsuck69X: so if i wanted to talk to you all i would have to wake up early
brandysgtagun: lol yey todd!
brandysgtagun: lol
XposersXsuck69X: lol
brandysgtagun: or i would half to.
XposersXsuck69X: no u would have to stay up late
brandysgtagun: but, if it was morning here then you would ave to stay up way late, you know. if it was swtiched around
XposersXsuck69X: yeah i would jus be goin to sleep
brandysgtagun: lol.
XposersXsuck69X: lol
brandysgtagun: awe todd!
brandysgtagun: you have to send me emails
brandysgtagun: im gona go to california for a whole two weeks
XposersXsuck69X: u have my email right?
brandysgtagun: yip
XposersXsuck69X: ok
brandysgtagun: lol whoa!
brandysgtagun: HAHAH
XposersXsuck69X: hehehe
brandysgtagun: lol your just laughing
brandysgtagun: haha read
brandysgtagun: brandysgtagun: breathe in for luck
brandysgtagun: breathe in so deep
brandysgtagun: this air is blessed you share with me
brandysgtagun: *skips a part*
brandysgtagun: your legs are smooth as they graze mine
brandysgtagun: were doing nothing
brandysgtagun: were doing nothing at all
brandysgtagun: SO WONT YOU KILL ME
brandysgtagun: SO I DIE HAPPY
brandysgtagun: MY HEART IS YOURS
brandysgtagun: TO FILL OR BURST
brandysgtagun: TO BREAK OR BURY
brandysgtagun: OR WEAR AS JEWELRY
urmomesitesme: omg!
brandysgtagun: ZACK LIKE FLIPPED OU
XposersXsuck69X: zack what?
brandysgtagun: zack flipped out lol
XposersXsuck69X: lol
brandysgtagun: i <3 that song
XposersXsuck69X: ok
brandysgtagun: todd do you like bananas?
XposersXsuck69X: no
brandysgtagun: why not?
XposersXsuck69X: i jsu dotn
XposersXsuck69X: dont*
brandysgtagun: thats weird
brandysgtagun: i do lol
XposersXsuck69X: lol
brandysgtagun: hm,
brandysgtagun: what band could you never live without?
XposersXsuck69X: umm
XposersXsuck69X: i would have to say afi or a7x
brandysgtagun: woOt.
XposersXsuck69X: what bout u?
brandysgtagun: prolly.
brandysgtagun: either .. lol i cant even say either, uhhh,,,,, fall out boy,, afi,, or.. possibly, animal suit driveby
XposersXsuck69X: never heard of the last 1
XposersXsuck69X: i would say fall out boy 2
brandysgtagun: lol thats cause there kinda unknown
brandysgtagun: yeah fal out boy
brandysgtagun: woOt
brandysgtagun: lol
brandysgtagun: they are my lovers
XposersXsuck69X: wo0t
XposersXsuck69X: lol
brandysgtagun: *dances*
XposersXsuck69X: *dances*
XposersXsuck69X: *more*
brandysgtagun: oh its on now.
brandysgtagun: *bust s a move*
XposersXsuck69X: *boogies down*
brandysgtagun: *breaks it down*
XposersXsuck69X: *drops it like its hott*
brandysgtagun: lol * picks it up like its cold*
brandysgtagun: ohhhh!
XposersXsuck69X: ok u got me
brandysgtagun: SCORE!
brandysgtagun: go brandy
brandysgtagun: woOt woOt
XposersXsuck69X: yey go brandy
brandysgtagun: LOL IM ESITED!
XposersXsuck69X: yey!!
brandysgtagun: i beat the almighty todd in a dancing contest
brandysgtagun: WOoT
XposersXsuck69X: wo0t wo0t
brandysgtagun: lol
brandysgtagun: ow. todd looke what you did
brandysgtagun: my tummy hurts
XposersXsuck69X: im srry
brandysgtagun: *sigh*
brandysgtagun: im too old for this
XposersXsuck69X: lol
XposersXsuck69X: im older then you tho
brandysgtagun: yeah but my birthday is a day before yours
XposersXsuck69X: soo
XposersXsuck69X: ur turning 15 right?
brandysgtagun: lol yeah
brandysgtagun: woOt
XposersXsuck69X: ok im turnin 16
brandysgtagun: todd you are an old geezer
XposersXsuck69X: lol
brandysgtagun: haha i just called you a geezer
brandysgtagun: kik
brandysgtagun: *lol
brandysgtagun: I <3 THAT WORD
brandysgtagun: GEEZER
brandysgtagun: omg
brandysgtagun: what does that mean
brandysgtagun: lol
XposersXsuck69X: lol
XposersXsuck69X: idk
brandysgtagun: stupid geezers. lol just kidding todd.
brandysgtagun: im bored
XposersXsuck69X: yeah me 2
brandysgtagun: haha i wish you were a year younger becuase then i could rub it in your face that i am a day older than you BUT YOUR NOT *gosh*
XposersXsuck69X: haha
XposersXsuck69X: lol
brandysgtagun: my forehead itches
XposersXsuck69X: then itch it
brandysgtagun: lol.
brandysgtagun: hahaha
XposersXsuck69X: hehe
brandysgtagun: kahclkajhmsjdx,eihtrmnqvkajhdfm
XposersXsuck69X: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
brandysgtagun: oh oh i can do that too!
brandysgtagun: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
XposersXsuck69X: zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba
brandysgtagun: AH what is that?
XposersXsuck69X: alphabet backwards
brandysgtagun: yeah,
brandysgtagun: atrocious
XposersXsuck69X: yea
brandysgtagun: mkaes me sick
XposersXsuck69X: what?
brandysgtagun: ol
XposersXsuck69X: ohh nvm
brandysgtagun: i have no idea
brandysgtagun: its a big word though
XposersXsuck69X: yea
brandysgtagun: woOt +5 points for brandy
XposersXsuck69X: whats the score?
brandysgtagun: that brings the score to
brandy = 5
todd = 0
XposersXsuck69X: darn
brandysgtagun: woOt
XposersXsuck69X: im losing
brandysgtagun: yeah
brandysgtagun: with a passion
XposersXsuck69X: i need a big word brandy
brandysgtagun: hm..
XposersXsuck69X: b-a-n-a-n-a-s
XposersXsuck69X: lol
brandysgtagun: lol woOt.
brandysgtagun: you get +3
brandysgtagun: brandy = 5
todd =3
XposersXsuck69X: 3?
brandysgtagun: yeah
brandysgtagun: becuase you dont like banana
XposersXsuck69X: yea
brandysgtagun: *bananas
brandysgtagun: DARN I HAVE TO GET OFF IN A FEW
XposersXsuck69X: ohh darn
XposersXsuck69X: party pooper
XposersXsuck69X: lol
brandysgtagun: yeah my mom
brandysgtagun: ehhhh
brandysgtagun: well. here, you get + 4 for dancing,
brandysgtagun: so you have7
XposersXsuck69X: ok
XposersXsuck69X: yey!!
XposersXsuck69X: i win
brandysgtagun: lol
brandysgtagun: for now
XposersXsuck69X: yea for now
XposersXsuck69X: till next time
brandysgtagun: i know right
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