NAME: Sanae Hanekoma
CODENAME: CAT or Mr. H to his students
SERIES/SOURCE: The World Ends With You
AGE: 27
BACKGROUND: Born March 3rd, Sanae was drawing as soon as he could hold a crayon. He went through grade school in the US but moved to Japan for high school and college.
So it was in the Shibuya district of Tokyo that he grew into his powers during his late teens, not realizing right away the reason his art would sometimes look different when he came back to it after a few moments.
Sanae was a very social child, but didn't actually have many friends. He would often end up as the person one went to for advice and perhaps to have a friendly chat with, but there was no bonding between them. He preferred to keep his actual thoughts to himself. It was common knowledge at his schools that if you needed something from Sanae, you had to trade something for it--and if you didn't that advice could screw up your whole social life for the rest of the year, no matter how innocent it seemed.
In college, he majored in Abnormal Psychology and Art--and even though his family wanted him to move forward with his Psychology degree because to them, art never paid the bills.
His first art piece to become fully automated was a cat that peeled itself off the wall, still completely flat and 2D. From then on 'CAT' became his signature of sorts, putting the design on every mural he did in graffiti. Slowly he becomes a renown graffiti artist in Shibuya under the name of 'CAT', anonymously adding his talents to the local fashion companies and designers. No one knows who he really is and much speculation is made about why he only does his work anonymously.
He kept his powers hidden throughout his time in school, although he still ended up with a few art projects that ran away from him. Sanae kept his identity as CAT secret, using a different style to create his projects in his art classes. There was a few close calls when some of his murals decided to come to life without him calling for it, but mainly he learned to control his powers so that he could create art without it immediately jumping off the canvas.
However careful he was, his family still found out when his mother walked in on him conversing with a 3D 'living' ink wolf, made to look like some strange living tattoo. They claimed he was 'cursed' and 'working for the devil' and cut off all contact with him, eventually disinheriting him.
Disheartened, he all but dropped his psychology classes, diving entirely into his art career. He was already working as secretly as the freelance artist 'CAT' and making decent money doing so even if no one knew him directly. However after college, he bought a small cafe called Wildkat which doubled as his apartment, which sold overpriced coffee and displayed local artist's work.
He continually trained behind the scenes, even after college, and withdrew from any social interaction that wasn't beneficial for his art career. He remained an enigma to many as Hanekoma, the odd cafe owner, and as CAT.
In fact, Sanae was experimenting with his powers. Creating complicated creatures, but also fusing his creations to living creatures and seeing how they survived--if they did.
It was when he began to experiment on humans 'for their own good' that Professor Xavier finally stepped in. A few had been close to dying when Sanae stepped in, went insane after being fused with Sanae's art. The ones who survived escaped from capture, but Sanae realized that saving people with his art was not actually saving them.
As punishment and to atone for such immoral use of his powers, Sanae moved back to the United States and became a teacher at the Institute.
PERSONALITY: Sanae is very laidback--or at least he appears to be on the surface. To the unknowing or the unwise, he can appear friendly, warm, and even caring.
While some of these traits are honest, most are not. He's one of the sorts of people who enjoy playing mindgames with all those around him, sometimes purposefully stacking the deck against himself just to see how things will turn out.
Sanae is a very open-arms policy type guy. Anyone is free to come to him for a 'chat', sort of acting as an unofficial therapist for anyone who needs it. However, never expect something free from him, even something as simple as advice. Everything comes at a price--sometimes a literal one when he forces them to pay for the coffee and tea he offers. Other times it is a favor, perhaps disguised as an extra homework assignment if they're in his classes.
He does have a good heart, which is both obvious to people who don't know him well, and misunderstood to people who do know him well. Sanae tries to do things for the "good of the world" sort of thing, but is a "ends justifies the means" people as well, so his way of "doing good" can be a little backwards.
APPEARANCE: Sanae is lanky and tall, otherwise he has the appearance of a business man after being a long night of drinking. His hair is often a mess if its not just sticking up in some giant black curl/fohawk-hybrid. He's scuffy and rarely bothers to shave. Button up shirts, dress pants, vests, but all sloppy or partly undone and on top of it all his classic black sandals. He doesn't have the healthiest appearances, but he definitely is the poster man for a 'misunderstood artist'.
POWERS: Sanae can bring whatever he draws to life and control it consciously or unconsciously. This, admittedly is not much use for impromptu attack or defense. If working from scratch, he has to take the time to physically draw out the creature he wants to use, and the more detailed, the better it will work/more power it will have. Once off the paper the creatures will become 3D models of whatever he drew. He calls his creations 'Noise' for one reason or another.
Also, he can't draw objects and bring those off paper--only 'living' things. (This can be a strange line to draw in the sand, though, because sometimes his writing will also come to life, or numbers will dance off the page--which makes his class a study in speed writing before the notes run off the board. But he can't like.. draw a magic vial of cure-alls or something like that.)
He rarely works from scratch when using his powers, and often lugs a sketchbook under his arm full of doodles and creatures he could use in case of an emergency. If pressed, he can control other's art as well, but has to have at least one mark added to it that is purely his. And if that mark is destroyed, the Noise will dissolve back into ink and paint. The same goes for any of his creations, if they take substantial damage to main parts of their designs they will dissolve.
Sanae needs to concentrate to get his Noise to do what he wants them to. This means when his attention wavers or he gets injured his subconscious will take control of the creatures and they tend to end up doing odd things. For really complicated motions he has to completely visualize the action in as much detail at possible, especially if it is something he has not practiced. For more basic motions like walking/flying, clawing, biting--as long as he isn't trying to aim for something in particular he doesn't need to fully visualize it and instead can just think about it and the Noise will follow through.
Basically then, his only defense is a good offense--or a large turtle-like Noise.
He has also experimented into fusing his art to living creatures, making dogs with ink paws, frogs with ink legs, birds with ink grafted to their wings and such things.
His few (still living) human subjects have gone curiously missing, although they were never under his control anyway. However Sanae has more recently turned his experiments on himself, so odds and ends could happen before he perfects it.
ANYTHING ELSE?: He really adores cats and charges an arm and a leg for coffee--so don't ask him for any. Also, if anyone wants their character to be one of his escaped!experiments [coughshominamimotoorevenrhymecough] that'd be awesome.
First-person sample: Okay my little drones, let's get this school year started on a good note.
Has anyone on this campus actually ever picked up a paintbrush or will I be stuck with all freeloaders this year?
Third-person sample: Sanae erased the white board, catching the few letters that had decided to try to escape destruction. It had been a long class and his attention was shot to all hell. Why had his sister sent him that letter?
It sat on his desk, unopened, mocking him. Sanae sighed, throwing himself into his chair letting it speak and roll with the momentum of the motion for a second before scooting up to the wooden desk. A few of the crumbled papers toppling off of the mess when he snatched up the letter debating opening it here or waiting until he got back to his bedroom.
His sister had always been polite to him, but there was little love between them unless he had missed something in all their interactions before his mother had decided to shun him. He tapped the envelope on a pile of ungraded papers, feeling the small letter within shift with the movement.
A knock sounded on the door, and Sanae placed the still unopened envelope back on his desk, putting on lazy grin for yet another student coming to ask him for relationship advice. How ironic he was giving advice on such matters and he couldn't even figure out his relationship with his own sister.