I attended Brigham Young University- a Mormon school where they would edit all of the movies shown on campus for language, excessive violence, or any other inappropriate scenes. Sometimes I really appreciated it. Sometimes it was just stupid. When we went to see The Princess Bride, they edited "There's a shortage of perfect breasts in this world, it would be a shame to damage yours." Seriously. Fortunately there were a couple of people in the audience who were willing to fill in the line for us. We all laughed, and went on to enjoy the movie.
People are faulty. Forgive them for trying too hard.
LOL I really wish i could be more zen like you. It's just frustrating sometimes that all these well-meaning people are just making things more difficult. Best of intentions and all that. :)
So how does a Mormon School differ from the normal Christian/Catholic School?I've only heard of Mormons, i don't really know much about the culture and lifestyle and values of that particular vein of Christianity.
I don't know because I've never been to a Christian/Catholic school! :) We are like a lot of other Christian religions because we believe in Christ (the church is called The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Mormons are a nickname), and the Bible. We're also very very different, because we also believe that the Book of Mormon is scripture, and that we have modern prophets who have the Priesthood authority from God. To go to BYU we had to take religion classes, and attend church weekly. We had to sign a code of standards that said we would dress modestly, abstain from alcohol and drugs, live a chaste life, and follow all the standards of our church. It was a good school- even when they edited the movies! If you want, you can check out more at www.lds.org.
LOL okay, it all sounds pretty normal. I often wonder at the differences of all the different denominations of Christianity/Catholicism(?). I tried reading about them once, and i got more confused than when i first started. :)
Comments 5
People are faulty. Forgive them for trying too hard.
So how does a Mormon School differ from the normal Christian/Catholic School?I've only heard of Mormons, i don't really know much about the culture and lifestyle and values of that particular vein of Christianity.
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