I just sat through the episodes 15 to 23 at one go, and oh boy, I'm having an overload of Simon Baker now. Not that that's a bad thing.
It was a far more intense experience, simply because I think they ended S1 at a breathtaking note, and it has to start from there. Of course, there's just so much more happening at this season that when I was closing the WMP I had the sudden thought that Glee might do well to emulate the pace of this series, because even though they broughtin a lot more issues, they also try to space them out, so viewers won't get so confused.
Rigsby and Van Pelt's relationship blossoms and then get snuffed out around 3/4 into the season. I applaud this moe, because seriously, when they are dating, it gets boring. Really. I'm not sure if it's just me, but making them get together so early makes me feel like there's a wall when it comes to getting to know their personalities. The sexual tension isn't there, so yeah. I'm glad when they decided to break up, so that there's more tension to be created. Perhaps they learnt this from Bones. where Angela and Dr Hodges (Hodgins? Can never get this right) keeps that push and pull thing going on.
They turned Red John to someone else, a Detective Bosco, and I was spoiled by a friend beforehand that he's going to be killed, but it's still sad. They killed him pretty early in the season, around the 10th episode, but they did a great job in filling in his history and opening up his character, so he doesn't feel like a stand-in filling in.
Introducing a new head to the CBI is a surprise to me, because I like the actor who played him. But I do like the replacement, although she's a bit forgettable for now. There's not much impact, yet. Maybe in season 3, perhaps?
And Cho and Lisbon. What can I say, they rock. I love that they have backgrounds, and I like that they are so tough. And I do adore the way Cho interrogates suspects. He does it so skilfully and so...gracefully. I might be having a tv crush on him! LOL
One thing that kinda irks me, though, is how trigger-happy they are. Not exactly trigger-happy in the sense that there's a lot of shooting, because this is a cop movie, of course there's shooting. But they like to take out their guns at a drop of a suspicious reaction or place. I thought cops will only draw out their guns as a last resort, and never really in a crowded place with a lot of people where a stray bullet can just hit them. Heck, I think they're even more trigger happy then the Criminal Minds BAU!
And the last episode? That was not as good as the first season's but it does its job effectively. I like the way they brought in the psychic, and I'm glad she and Jane had a date, because seriously, I would love to see Jane at least attempting to start dating again, and maybe have some shirtless scenes!!! LOL
Will be attempting to download season 3 now...I'm sort of almost caught up with where it was in the US, and I can't wait!