Fic title: Where the Wind Blows
Genre: Gen
Rating: PG-13 for a couple of swear words
Word count: ~ 31,600
Warnings: Season 5 general spoilers, take place somewhere after 5.10.
Summary: Sam and Dean took on a case for the rich. As they fumbled their way through maze-like corridors, acres of property and a client who may or may not be guilty, the case turned personal. It was a race to banish the supernatural before it struck again.
Author's notes: OMG I'm so glad it's finished and posted! I like to thank my betas
calamitycrow and
beadslut for canceling out the overuse of 'just', spotting the repetition of words, plugging the plot holes, weeding out anomalies and generally making the story so much better than it is now. They did a wonderful job, and any mistakes is a reflection of me, not them.
Thanks to
inkruns for the art! This is the first time I'm having art to go along with my fic, and they are GORGEOUS. Go to her art masterpost
HERE to leave her a comment about how nice it is! :)
Thanks to the mods at
spn-j2-bigbang for so efficiently running this challenge every year. You guys rock!
And definitely not least, if anyone from my twitter list is reading this, thanks for putting up with weird panicked tweets all this while They are cathartic. :p This is my first time entering this challenge, and there were many false starts and stops along the way, but I'm finally done! Comments are LOVED.