I had a really strange dream last night. This is what I remember of it:
Someone's father came up to me and told me that if I could buy a house, he'd let me marry his daughter. So I went house hunting, and the house for sale was an exact replica of the old Victorian ambassador's house that my uncle owns (except the one in my dream was in a better neighborhood). I attended a crowded open house, and I absolutely loved it. And with my full-time job (I guess this was post-graduation), I could afford a house loan (lifetime in debt, but hey...who cares?). All I had to do was meet the girl.
She was interesting. With shoulder-length, straight blonde hair and a face that was a bit pale, it almost gave her a bit of a frail look, a misleading body to hide the strength within. Of course, in this situation it’s natural to suspect the worse, and was pleasantly surprised by her decent physical appearance. I approached her cautiously, wondering secretly how her inner layer would unfold.
I really wish I could remember exactly what we talked about, because it was all in rhymes and riddles. I guess when meeting a stranger, one's guard is always up, for neither of us seemed to want to give a straight answer. And when the verbal dancing ending, the physical dancing began. We danced across the lawn, keeping time with the rhythms of questions and answers in our heads, as though we could telepathically extract them from each other. It was so strange, but there was an odd comfort in physical touch. I spun her, weaving delicate patterns into the air with her body-invisible webs of delight that no one else could see or experience.
When we were done, she pulled me aside and asked me,
"Why do you torture me like this?"
I made a stunned nonsensical reply.
"If you were a terrible person, turning this down would be easy.
But we've danced,
exchanged words,
and looks.
And although it was fun,
I do not love you."
Her words tore me like a creese.
"However," she continued.
"I entered willingly into this engagement for the sake my father.
It would be a poor daughter and a hypocrite to back out now.
Speak me your will and I,
for my father's sake,
shall be bound by it."
The battle of loneliness and righteousness took only but a second. And I knew what I had to do.
"I cannot in good conscience coerce you into anything. Do as you wish."
With a sigh I turned by back on her. With a moment’s pause, I succumbed to my feelings, rounded on her and said:
"But I lov---"
But she had gone. Lost among the throng of those viewing the open house on the property. And in silence, I turned slightly to watch the children gathered excitedly by the house’s pool. They were begging to enter, but bound by their parents' wills to the hot dry ground. Then with a shock and a splash, the littlest flung herself into the pool, and the order of the world was lost for awhile.