2016 FAQ

Feb 05, 2016 14:14

AO3: http://archiveofourown.org/collections/MyOldFandom2016/profile
DW: http://myoldfandom.dreamwidth.org/

What is My Old Fandom?

What is My Old Fandom?

My Old Fandom is a fanwork (fic or art) gift exchange focused on fandoms where canon has been closed for more than ten years. For the purposes of the 2016 round, that means there must have been no more new canon material produced after December 31, 2005.

When does it run?

This year, we will use the following dates:

Nominations from March 9 to March 16

Sign-Ups from March 18 to March 25 (Assignments out by April 1.)

Assignments due June 10

Works revealed June 17

Creators revealed June 22

What can be nominated for My Old Fandom?

Anything that was completed more than ten years ago. I'll be approving nominations throughout the nomination period and using various Internet sources to determine if the fandom you nominate is eligible. I will be asking questions or asking for evidence on Dreamwidth/Livejournal (same post on both) so please keep that page bookmarked.

How do you count large franchises?

Generally, all bits of a franchise will be grouped together if they all (a) take place within the same continuity and (b) have the same general set of characters, while reboots and new continuities will generally be counted separately. Sequels that aren't reboots that came out between January 1, 2006 and December 31, 2015 will render a property ineligible. (For example, The X-Files will be eligible this year.) Tie-in novels (ala the Star Wars EU or Star Trek), spinoffs, and reboots do not reset the clock. "All Media Types" and "& Related Fandoms" tags will not be eligible as nominations (when posting your gift you can use these tags if you wish, of course).

How many nominations will we get?

You will be allowed to nominate 8 fandoms, with 12 characters/relationships in those fandoms. Relationships can be either & or / and have up to four people in them. Because AO3 doesn't allow you to choose only one character or relationship, they all have to be in the same field, so characters will need to be nominated by typing in the character's name and hitting "enter" no matter what AO3 automatically suggests (which will be all the ships the character is a part of). It may then show up as "Steve Rogers - Relationship" but ignore that. I did this because I wanted people who only wanted characters or only wanted relationships to be able to participate and AO3 doesn't have a function for this.

How any requests will get?

You may request 3-6 fandoms, with 1-6 or any characters/relationships.

How many offers can we make?

You can off 4-10 fandoms, with 2-10 or any characters/relationships.

How does matching work?

Because requests and offers will be a mix of individual characters and relationships, matching will be "Or." Please make sure that, if you request an individual character, you don't really want a relationship as you won't be able to ensure that you get a specific pair interacting. (You can ask for anything in your optional details, but optional details are optional.)