Yeah that's right. It's a BIRTHDAY TRIBUTE, because it's his goddamn BIRTHDAY, fools. And you're damn right it's gonna be all full of sap and shit, so if you don't like that stuff, I recommend that you don't read it.
So, Mickey is awesome and should be your best friend. Why, you ask? There are FOUR BIG REASONS and a bunch of little ones too and probably some more that I've forgotten.
1) Because he is super nice. Seriously if my hands are wet and there's no towels and I'm wearing frikkin' rayon shit he lets me wipe my hands on his pants. Also this morning my tummy was all 'bleehhh' and I was all 'fuckyoutummy' and Mickey was all 'ohh if a bagel will make you feel better I'll totally get up and go all the way over to the Retreat and get you a bagel and then come back and snuggle you til you feel better.' And then he did. He's always doing shit like that.
2) Because he's like mad reasonable. Seriously if you're all 'Dude so this societal norm is WTF' and he's all 'But I like that one' and you go 'But this logic and that logic' he'll go 'Hmm I shall reassess.' And if it makes sense logically and he is convinced by your argument, he is freaking willing to change his mind evar. ZOMG! ALSO, if you are having an intellectual-like discussy thing, he's very good at NOT getting offended if you disagree with him. He knows you're attacking the side of the discussion and not him.
3) Mickey doesn't do peer pressure. Or like, any pressure. If he's like 'Man how awesome would it be to do this thing or play this game' and you're all 'UGH NOT TONIGHT HONEY I HAVE A HEADACHE' he'll be all 'okay I can't make you like it so I'll lay off.' It makes no sense to force people to do stuff if the point is to ENJOY it with them, and precious few people are aware of this.
4) Because he's willing to try new things and is not stuck in his ways. He's all 'Whaaat? Try this new thing that I have never done before? Well, I'm not ready YET, but I may be in the future. .... ticktockticktockticktock OKAY LET'S TRY IT hmmm, that's okay! I think I will like this now.' He's chill with giving new stuff a try, and reassessing older stuff that he thinks might deserve another chance.
And now for some more reasons I don't feel the need to detail as much!
5) He's mad smart or something. I mean, duh.
6) He can totally fix your shit. Like, seriously. If your computer is broken you should call him. It works.
7) He's mad trusting and sweet. But if you're not dating him this doesn't apply to you. AAHAHAHAHA suckers
8) He wants to teach you stuff man. Like anything he knows. He is good at explaining things so they made GODDAMN SENSE.