So, I was thinking that Mitchell could play the intellectual vampire, but with an overwhelming passion for music. I thought on this subject and came up with a possible prototype background for his character, who we’ll be referring to as M.
M was just a young boy when his father, a successful pianist, was ruthlessly stabbed to death before his very eyes. Having never known his mother, M was now orphaned and lived in a foster home for some time before running away to a big city to work as a musician. He spent all his time either rehearsing or reading. He read everything he could and absorbed knowledge wherever possible. He eeked out a living with his music but never caught a big break. The world in which M lived was gloomy and dark, never having money enough for fine things, barely able to keep a home. His only light was in music and knowledge.
Living in Chicago as a waiter by day and musician by night, M eventually attracted the attention of a handsome wealthy gentleman who took him under his wing and gave him a better life. We will refer to this gentleman as Sire. Sire provided M with a place to live and money to live on so that he could focus on his studies and music. Sire was much like M, he had an undying passion for knowledge and music, and he saw potential in M. Sire, however, was rarely around, and when he was it was always at night and it was only every few months. He said that he was never around because he had to travel a lot because of business.
One night while M was rehearsing, he was visited by Sire and was commanded to leave with him. Sire took M away on a jet. When asked about their reason for leaving, Sire would only say that he had gotten into some business trouble with some very dangerous people and he didn’t want M harmed because of it. They arrived in Italy and went directly to Sire’s huge “Court de Nocturne” (Court of Night). They stayed there for nearly a month.
During their month there, M still only saw Sire at night, but it was a couple of times a week. In the Court de Nocturne M found multiple libraries and computer systems that rivaled that of NASA’s. The books he found were about religion, philosophy, history, and most of all, the Occult.
One night, while studying an ancient map of the Eurasia region, Sire approached silently and stared M in the eyes and told him that they needed to talk. Sire explained that he was not human, and instead, a Vampire. He told M that he may not have much time left and that he loved him and never wanted him to die. With an unnatural stare, Sire told him that he wanted M to join him in what time he had left. Unable to say no, M obeyed and let himself be drained of blood.
As Sire’s Embrace was ending and the Kiss was to begin, there was a large crash elsewhere in the manor. Within seconds a half dozen dark figures were in the room fighting Sire with extraordinary speed and power. M lay drained of blood, helpless, dying. He watched Sire fend off these demons, but one proved too much for Sire and brought him to the brink of death. Sire’s assailant, however, stopped suddenly as a black cat entered the room. In an instant, the shadowy Vampire was gone.
M heard Sire crawling across the floor, and looming over M he said, “I’m going to give you eternal life. I will meet final death in the process. The Court de Nocturne is yours, my belongings are yours, my music is yours, my knowledge is yours, and my unlife is yours. Drink.” With that, Sire opened his wrist with his teeth and fed M from him. As their hearts beat together and the warmest sweetest nectar gave life to M, he felt himself grow stronger, faster, smarter, more passionate, and more… dead.
When M awoke, he saw things, heard things, smelt things, and felt things that he could never believe to be real. Next to him lay the black Armani suit that Sire wore every time M had ever seen him, along with a few sheets of paper.
The next part contains what the papers that M finds are about. Mitchell, or anyone who might be part of my campaign, I'd actually prefer if you don't read the next part, I may decide to withhold it until later in the game.
M, these pages contain a brief explanation of that of my life that you need to know.
Before my death, I was a powerful Vampire, actively involved in the Dark World’s Jyhad. I was a Gehenna scholar and prophet. My beliefs are as follows:
I have prophesized that a group of four vampires, of which you are one, would collectively find a way to prevent Gehenna (note: Gehenna is, to the vampires, a sort of rapture, end of days, Armageddon type deal). The four would be a passion, a muscle, a social, and a psycho. Somehow, you shall save the world.
I believe that Gehenna will come when the world has nearly hit rock bottom. The Antediluvians will rise and call forth a great power to utterly destroy the entire planet. Why? Because they are simply angry at God. They are mad for what they are. They seek revenge for Cain’s punishment. (note: In vampire lore, it is believed that Adam and Eve’s son, Cain, was the original vampire. When he killed his brother God cursed him to live for eternity and that every night he would relive his sin, this went along with any children he might ever have. Ergo, vampires.)
The Antediluvians, of which there are 13 (note: the 13 Antediluvians are the 13 remaining sons of Cain who haven’t been seen in millennia) proved their power at Sodom and Gomorrah. It was not God that destroyed these cities, it was the 13. Seeing in these cities the failure of the human race, as they may now see the decline of the human race across the world. It was their way of giving God the middle finger and saying “You screwed up twice, God. You created flawed, evil beings in an evil world, and you allowed us to gain the power to destroy it.”
As punishment God banished them into the ground for millennia, hoping that one day they would rise with an enlightenment allowing them to accept the curse bestowed upon them (that of vampirism). But they won’t accept it. They will use the second chance they are getting to seek out vengeance, one far greater and worse than at Sodom and Gomorrah. They are simply biding their time now, waiting for the whole world to become a modern day version of Sodom and Gomorrah. Their second chance would, in their eyes, be God’s final mistake.
But I believe God knows of their plans and that’s why he’s sent me you. That’s why he’s sending fourth the four Vampires to stop Gehenna. Vampires will stop the Antediluvians because not only are Vampires the only beings on Earth that could attain the power to rival the 13’s, but also to spite the Antediluvians, showing them that though they though that all that was evil is always evil, in reality it would be what they thought to utmost evil was (vampires), that will ultimately be the greatest good, saving the planet.
Now, my views are widely hated, by both the Sabbat and the Camarilla. However, there are a few that believe. These few spend their time around the world, trying to spread the word of my prophecies, and they search tirelessly for the four that will one day be our saviors.
I am dead now, I’m sure that my assailants were some group of Vampires that strongly oppose my prophecies. Perhaps, in their eyes, I am interfering with the proper course of the Jyhad. Some Vampires find it disrespectful and dangerous to speak of any Vampire ever being as powerful as the Antediluvians. And many believe it to be lunacy that a vampire would ever risk such an ordeal to save the human race.
But you must take that risk. You are one of the four, I’m sure of it. One day you will meet the others. Seek out those who believe in my prophecy, they will help you. Your unlife is not your curse, it is your weapon.