Title: The Pink Dog, Puppy, Monkey, Tortoise, Fox Bunny
Pairing: ninja!EunHae, ninja!KyuMin
Genre: Crack (I hope)
Length: Oneshot (897 words)
Disclaimer: I can't say i own anything but the plot
Summary: Sungmin mysteriously disappears for half a day, and then appeared with a giant pink thing. What will happen in the unusually peaceful dorm?
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Comments 20
==''' Anh ALWAYS sleep WITH her laptop =='''and i wrote dat Kyuu slept BESIDE his com, not ON it... LOL anyway... which com? d one i'm typing on now? nahhh its not glittery at all...
and no, its nt from her. some grp of boarders dedicated it dat day, then we went on youtube to find it... yeah i know, its irritating
I've actually been in the same situation when I was smaller, but it was a drawning XD I was so proud of it and then everyone thought it was a tortoise! And I just kept on telling everyone it was the monster of Lockness! *hahaha*
Somehow my favorite parts were Haehyuk's and Kyumin's scenes XD Donghae with the fishes and telling Sungmin that his bunny is like a monkey! I don't know how someone could mix a bunny and a monkey!? XD
And Kyuhyun! How can he say it looks like a fox?? XD
Thanks for sharing this!
And I envy you! You get so many ideas and so quickly! I don't and it sucks X)
WOW Monster of Lockness!!! What does it do?? thats sooo cute XDDD
haha i just had to include them. cause he's DONGHAE and he loves hyukkie sooo much. explains everything XD
at 1st i didnt think of d fox thingy, it just came when i was writing XD, n i put fox cuz Min has (extremely HOT) cute foxy eyes XD, and Kyuhyun is a fox in SS2... or was it one?? naah i think its 2 XD
you're welcome!! I'm very happy you read this!! haha don't envy me, God is always fair, i may get ideas quickly but my language and expression is not that good... :)
Yeap, it does XD
And THAT explains everything XD You've such a good imagination! I really envy you! xP
Your language and ecpressions ARE good! Really, don't even try to tell me that they aren't! ;D I know it and I've seen it! Don't bee too critical to yourself^^
who knows? one of Yesung's tortoises may be blue someday, if he decides to do sth drastic XD
haha thxx... but everything comes with a consequence... i spend lots of time daydreaming and i end up doing nothing XD i should change dat
Really?? OMG thxx sooo much!! haha i will still try to improve though, d english here is really hard :(( i hope i can get good grades in my exams :)
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