Hab dich bei add_mich gesehen und kommentiert, weiß nicht ob Du's gesehen hast :) Bin ne Freundin von lyxzen und würd mich freuen wenn Du mich addest :) Ich liebe UK und würd gern mitlesen!
hello. i saw you in the jr__nal community. i'm a student who uses a squared moleskine too. my mother sends me tights in the post. and i nearly went to UEA. bizarre things to have in common. nonetheless, thought i'd say hello here, for fear you didn't check the jr__nal post again.
helloooooo! that is rather bizarre. especially about the tights! i just looked at your journal briefly, and the first thing i saw was a murakami quote! i LOVE murakami. you are definitely being added right now. :p i am conni. and you're missing out not being at uea! :p
adding you. :D i update often, and always have pictures up. i actually use a 'Picture of they day" for each entry, haha. :P ♥ and i am minoring in theatre in college. :]
Comments 31
i saw you in the jr__nal community.
i'm a student who uses a squared moleskine too.
my mother sends me tights in the post.
and i nearly went to UEA.
bizarre things to have in common. nonetheless, thought i'd say hello here, for fear you didn't check the jr__nal post again.
i just looked at your journal briefly, and the first thing i saw was a murakami quote! i LOVE murakami. you are definitely being added right now. :p
i am conni.
and you're missing out not being at uea! :p
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