So I finally got around to cataloging the patterns ruined during the flood from a while back. *sigh* 65 patterns, ranging from Folkwear to McCall's. Ugh. Not going to be fun replacing them, so I figure I will do it a little at a time, with priority to the ones that I actually used a fair bit.
Pattern list (for my own reference, since I won't always have the list on hand).. )
Comments 2
I may have a couple of the other ones as well, but I won't be able to tell until I can get home and dig through my pattern stash. I tend to buy a lot of random costuming patterns at $.99 sales, so I'm not even sure what I've got.
I have some of the Atira patterns and we could get them copied at Kinko's so you could have a set again, though not sure I have the same ones.
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