oh JEEBUS (to whom hannah calls), ive been busy
i guess i shoulda posted sooner... but ive been playin starcraft... until four in the morning
*supresses geeky giggle*
well what did i do today? i went shopping with my aunt, and she's LOADED (she bought me a $200 button-up shirt, but it was on sale for only $100)
and we went... OH MAN, i got a haircut!!!
its definitely...... (*insert several more ellipsee here*)
hahahahha i ALMOST look like a jpop/kpop star on crack
there's more wax in my head than in a bee's nest and its all short and SPIky, especially in the back
how do ppl do this every morning? *shakes head*
too bad no one's going to see... AND IM GONNA KEEP IT THAT WAY
its gonna go back to being ordinary right after taking this three hour shower to get all this product outta my hair
or maybe, for a large... fee, heh heh heh....
ah, i miss everyone in seattle and really really want to see hannie... *smiles mischeiviously*
ill be back in a week and i already have plans to do things and go places in seattle but....
sheesh, i dont know what the best part about it is.
wow, i talks too much. i will inform later.... on what im ACTUALLY doing...
OH NOT... THAT, but that, hahaha
(btw, korean kids are cRAzY and FERAL-> but somehow really cute)
oh yeah, im not goin to japan this summer (i just stayed in korea longer), but maybe this winter or probably next summer.... OH we should all go together on a huge road trip! *ponders*