well, gah Devils rejects was a good movie...................alone.......... appreciate the calls ppl blahs i dont care that much haaaaa i hung out with some friends i met up with their! ......... blahs
REMEMBER LADIES ITS ME!!!! JEREMY ALLEN, i drive a 2002 Toyota Tacoma Silver with 2 10inch subs that peak 2000watts a piece aight ! i got a system that will make all ya clothes just fall off! and its jeremy
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hey, wanting a date for this weekend to see one of the 4 movies , Devils Rejects, The Island ( that car in the movie its a Cadilac CIen i have known that forever ! go me), Bad News Bears ( good movie i have seen all the old ones ! they awsome), Hustle and FLOW! call me up if u interested :-D 213 9235