I have no control over this story. I swear, it was supposed to be, like, four parts, a little drama, a little angst, a hug or two, The End.
I promise you that was my intention...
The One Where Justin's With Another Guy, and Brian Interferes, Part 7 )
Comments 75
Myrna, please, don't make this too easy for Brian - he needs to learn a lesson and get SOME payback for being such a colossal shit in the first place.
I wish I could make it easy for Brian, but I have a feeling I'm going to be wheeling out to the computer in the old folks home to post Part 12,492 where we finally, FINALLY get some @(%&@#! resolution to this story!
(Not so good for Myrna, but happy days for us!)
Again- I love how you alternate between Dan & Brian's pov with both seeing different sides of Justin- neither quite the full picture... but Brian's does seem to be getting clearer in his seeing the 'life' missing from Justin.
Great chapter and really eager to see the next one-- with crunch time coming for Dan to share his career options with Justin and hoping to see that Justin's muse was brought to back. :-)
Dan is totally entitled to pursue his dreams. And, he can think that Justin is an inappropriate partner for those dreams. (We know he's underestimating our Sunshine.) But to be be dishonest by omission! Pisses me off.
(You've generated emotional heat in this chapter!) (I'm almost out of exclamation points!!)
And Brian. Apologizing. Without qualifier. Completely. Taking the blame -- which, by the way, is totally his to take.
Fuck. Can you even believe the way you make me CARE about the characters in this story!!?
OK, so let's whistle in the dogs and bring this story home. It's now totally Brian's to win, and he's got the heart and the guts to stand up and do it. Please, please, please can Justin get hurt not so much - or as little as possible?
Worshiping your writing skills,
And see, I totally get Dan. He's honest. He's not perfect. He didn't PLAN to date an undergrad, he just fell into it. And although he clearly cares deeply for Justin, the impact that relationship has on his life isn't something he can just ignore. Also, he's kind of an old fuddy duddy. A nice, and good fuddy duddy, but a fuddy duddy none-the-less.
Which is why ultimately, no matter how good he is *to* Justin, I'm not sure he's the best *for* Justin.
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