Title: The One that Starts with Rossi Mad about Psychics
Author: myrna1_2_3
Pairing: Rossi/Reid
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Rossi’s mad about psychics and then he thinks about other stuff
Word count: ~6,800
Scepticism is the beginning of Faith
~ Oscar Wilde
The One that Starts with Rossi Mad about Psychics )
Comments 67
When the character first came onto the show I disliked hime...he was arrogant, righteous, and rude (much could be said about Gideon but I think the difference could be chalked up to the actors).
Now when I watch the show I see your version of Rossi instead, sarcastic and cutting, but so much love for Reid.
Thank you for writing these, and for giving me your view of the boys.
I really love that Spencer lives with old people. It's just...adorable. AND that the team is trying to save him from Rossi, that was hilarious. And Reid being all confused until he figured it out. So cute!
And this right here?
“All right, listen up!” Rossi said, voice raised. “Spencer does not want to play cards or chess or tiddly winks or whatever else sounds fun. He does not want to get a drink when we land; and he is not interested in getting a bite to eat once we’re home. So if one of you could kindly inform the pilot that Reid is not entertaining any ( ... )
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