Title: The One that Starts with Rossi Mad about Psychics
Author: myrna1_2_3
Pairing: Rossi/Reid
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Rossi’s mad about psychics and then he thinks about other stuff
Word count: ~6,800
Scepticism is the beginning of Faith
~ Oscar Wilde
The One that Starts with Rossi Mad about Psychics )
Comments 67
Rossi dealing with the Sunset Brigade: "Rossi’s first thought--This is a colossal mistake--was followed quickly by Do I look like I could be Mr. Fucking Reid?" was classic, as was the snark from the Brigade.
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I adore how Rossi hates psychics (althought when I first read the title of this I dyslexically thought it was "the one that starts with Rossi mad about physics" but I guess that is a whole other chapter you haven't quie finished yet) anyway Rossi hates psychics and yet believes in fate, (doesn't he?) I like how contrary that makes him.
Reid in the old folks home is so adorable and apt, and yet I also found it quite touching. Spencer's character on the show always seems like he's really kind hearted and yet struggles to express it in ways people find acceptable. So I like the idea he would subconsciously place himself in an environment where he could be helpful, be useful, a place where his atttentions would be appreciated and not misinterpreted.
I adore Rossi's perfect little moment with the shaft of sunlight on the plane, now that is what I call the real "Reid effect"
the "Oh my! Would you look at that" moment.
Remembering this chapeter will have me smiling for days
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