Title: The One Where It’s Five Years Later, and Dr. Reid Oliver Comes Home from Work
Fandom: As the World Turns
Characters/Pairings: Luke/Reid
Rating: R
Summary: It’s five years later, and Reid comes home from work
Disclaimer: Not-not-mine
Author's Notes: I usually won’t read a fic when the author’s notes start out OMG, here’s all the
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Comments 20
Are you writing any more soon? :DDDDDDDD
I am amazed at how deft your touch is with the characters, and how you keep Reid snarky, but the tiny bit softer he would be after 5 years with Luke. I love their dynamic; how well they know each other.
Five years Reid thought with disgust. Five fucking years, and he still hadn’t learned. It was sleep deprivation-it had to be. If those wretched interns weren’t constantly sucking the life out of him, there’s no way he would make such a classic, rookie mistake.
I can totally see this! These are the moments that make this fic just perfect. Well, that and the fund Luke has set up for Reid and Lucinda bail money.
Thank you so much for your attention to detail with these fics.
The characterization is wonderful and the little bit of domesticity fits them perfectly. I kept pulling lines out to quote but they just kept getting better and better. I'm going with this though “No Welcome Back from Your Kidnapping party? No Your-Real-Father-Isn’t-Who-You-Thought-It-Was get-together? No The Divorce if Off-I Mean On-I Mean Off barbecue?…” because as someone who spent twenty plus years watching soaps, and who is so very tickled at the way Reid is so bewildered and bemused by all the shit that goes on regularly, that is just perfect.
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